The village of Agnières-en-Dévoluy is a small village located south east of France. The town of Agnières-en-Dévoluy is located in the department of Hautes-Alpes of the french region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. The town of Agnières-en-Dévoluy is located in the township of Saint-Étienne-en-Dévoluy part of the district of Gap. The area code for Agnières-en-Dévoluy is 05002 (also known as code INSEE), and the Agnières-en-Dévoluy zip code is 05250.
Geography and map of Agnières-en-Dévoluy :
The altitude of the city hall of Agnières-en-Dévoluy is approximately 1 260 meters. The Agnières-en-Dévoluy surface is 32.46 km ². The latitude and longitude of Agnières-en-Dévoluy are 44.693 degrees North and 5.882 degrees East.
Nearby cities and towns of Agnières-en-Dévoluy are :
Saint-Disdier (05250) at 4.55 km, Saint-Étienne-en-Dévoluy (05250) at 4.62 km, La Cluse (05250) at 6.47 km, Monestier-d'Ambel (38970) at 9.99 km, Le Noyer (05500) at 10.23 km, Le Glaizil (05800) at 10.35 km, Tréminis (38710) at 10.75 km, Pellafol (38970) at 11.73 km.
(The distances to these nearby towns of Agnières-en-Dévoluy are calculated as the crow flies)
Population and housing of Agnières-en-Dévoluy :
The population of Agnières-en-Dévoluy was 212 in 1999, 259 in 2006 and 266 in 2007. The population density of Agnières-en-Dévoluy is 8.19 inhabitants per km². The number of housing of Agnières-en-Dévoluy was 1 298 in 2007. These homes of Agnières-en-Dévoluy consist of 117 main residences, 1 177 second or occasional homes and 4 vacant homes. |
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Apartment : Apartment La crete du berger chalets
Located in La Joue du Loup, Apartment La crete du berger chalets offers acccommodation with a balcony and kitchen. The accommodation features a hot tub. Les Deux Alpes is 40 km...
Address : LA JOUE DU LOUP 05250 La Joue du Loup
Distance Apartment - Agnières-en-Dévoluy : 0.85 km
Apartment : Apartment La crete du berger chalets
Located in La Joue du Loup, Apartment La crete du berger chalets provides accommodation with a kitchen. The accommodation features a hot tub. Les Deux Alpes is 40 km from the a...
Contact : LA JOUE DU LOUP 05250 La Joue du Loup
Distance Apartment - Agnières-en-Dévoluy : 0.85 km
Apartment : Apartment La marmotte la crete du berger
Situated in La Joue du Loup, Apartment La marmotte la crete du berger offers accommodation with a TV and a kitchen. Les Deux Alpes is 40 km from the apartment, while L'Alpe-d'H...
Contact : LA JOUE DU LOUP 05250 La Joue du Loup
Distance Apartment - Agnières-en-Dévoluy : 0.87 km
Apartment : Apartment Le lievre blanc la crete du berger
Apartment Le lievre blanc la crete du berger provides accommodation with a kitchen, located in La Joue du Loup. The accommodation boasts a hot tub. Les Deux Alpes is 40 km from...
Contact : LA JOUE DU LOUP 05250 La Joue du Loup
Distance Apartment - Agnières-en-Dévoluy : 0.89 km
Apartment : Apartment L'aiglon la crete du berger
Situated in La Joue du Loup, Apartment L'aiglon la crete du berger offers accommodation with a kitchen. The accommodation boasts a hot tub. Les Deux Alpes is 40 km from the apa...
Address : LA JOUE DU LOUP 05250 La Joue du Loup
Distance Apartment - Agnières-en-Dévoluy : 0.89 km
Guest accommodation : Chalet Hauts De La Lauzière
Boasting accommodation with a terrace, Chalet Hauts De La Lauzière is situated in La Joue du Loup. Guests staying at this chalet have access to free WiFi, a fully equipped kitch...
Contact : Les Hauts De La Lauzière 05250 La Joue du Loup
Distance Guest accommodation - Agnières-en-Dévoluy : 0.90 km
Apartment : Apartment Bartavelle crete du berger
Apartment Bartavelle crete du berger has a balcony and is set in La Joue du Loup, within just 500 metres of Chaumattes 1 and 500 metres of Chaumattes 2. The Roc D'Aurouze is wit...
Contact : LA JOUE DU LOUP 05250 La Joue du Loup
Distance Apartment - Agnières-en-Dévoluy : 0.92 km
Apartment : Apartment L'horizon blanc
Situated in La Joue du Loup, Apartment L'horizon blanc offers accommodation with a TV and a kitchen. Les Deux Alpes is 41 km from the apartment, while L'Alpe-d'Huez is 47 km fr...
Contact : LA JOUE DU LOUP 05250 La Joue du Loup
Distance Apartment - Agnières-en-Dévoluy : 0.93 km
Apartment : Apartment Les mouflons
Located in La Joue du Loup, Apartment Les mouflons provides accommodation with a TV. All units include a fully equipped kitchen, allowing guests to prepare their own meals. Le...
Address : LA JOUE DU LOUP 05250 La Joue du Loup
Distance Apartment - Agnières-en-Dévoluy : 0.93 km
Apartment : Apartment L'horizon blanc
Apartment L'horizon blanc provides accommodation with a kitchen, situated in La Joue du Loup. Les Deux Alpes is 41 km from the apartment. Gap - Tallard Airport is 28 km away.
Contact : LA JOUE DU LOUP 05250 La Joue du Loup
Distance Apartment - Agnières-en-Dévoluy : 0.93 km
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Map of Agnières-en-Dévoluy
Map of Agnières-en-Dévoluy :
At right you can find the localization of Agnières-en-Dévoluy on the map of France. Below, this is the satellite map of Agnières-en-Dévoluy. A road map, and maps templates of Agnières-en-Dévoluy are available here : "road map of Agnières-en-Dévoluy". This map show Agnières-en-Dévoluy seen by the satellite of Google Map. To see the streets of Agnières-en-Dévoluy or move on another zone, use the buttons "zoom" and "map" on top of this dynamic map.
Search on the map of Agnières-en-Dévoluy :
To search hotels, housings, tourist information office, administrations or other services, use the Google search integrated to the map on the following page : "map Agnières-en-Dévoluy".
Hotels of Agnières-en-Dévoluy are listed on the map with the following icons:
The map of Agnières-en-Dévoluy is centred in the following coordinates :
Print the map of Agnières-en-Dévoluy
 Print the map of Agnières-en-Dévoluy : map of Agnières-en-Dévoluy
Photos Agnières-en-Dévoluy
See all photos of Agnières-en-Dévoluy :
Other photos of Agnières-en-Dévoluy and nearby towns can be found here: photos Agnières-en-Dévoluy
Agnières-en-Dévoluy weather forecast
Find next hours and 7 days weather forecast for Agnières-en-Dévoluy here : weather Agnières-en-Dévoluy (with english metrics)
This is the last weather forecast for Agnières-en-Dévoluy collected by the nearest observation station of Saint-Étienne-en-Dévoluy.
Week Forecast:
The latest weather data for Agnières-en-Dévoluy were collected Wednesday, 05 March 2025 at 19:01 from the nearest observation station of Saint-Étienne-en-Dévoluy.
Wednesday, March 5th | 8°C 0°C
0% 50%
| Partly cloudy
Temperature Max: 8°C Temperature Min: 0°C Precipitation Probability: 0% Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 50% Wind speed: 4 km/h North Humidity: 43%° UV Index: 3 Sunrise: 07:06 Sunset: 18:29 |
| Thursday, March 6th | 7°C -0°C
0% 57%
| Partly cloudy
Temperature Max: 7°C Temperature Min: -0°C Precipitation Probability: 0% Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 57% Wind speed: 9 km/h North Humidity: 51%° UV Index: 3 Sunrise: 07:04 Sunset: 18:30 |
| Friday, March 7th | 7°C -0°C
0% 52%
| Partly cloudy
Temperature Max: 7°C Temperature Min: -0°C Precipitation Probability: 0% Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 52% Wind speed: 7 km/h North Humidity: 51%° UV Index: 4 Sunrise: 07:03 Sunset: 18:32 |
| Saturday, March 8th | 8°C 1°C
0% 37%
| Mostly clear
Temperature Max: 8°C Temperature Min: 1°C Precipitation Probability: 0% Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 37% Wind speed: 10 km/h North Humidity: 51%° UV Index: 4 Sunrise: 07:01 Sunset: 18:33 |
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