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Bécordel-Bécourt photos

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Bécordel-Bécourt pictures

Here are the photos of the town of Bécordel-Bécourt and nearby towns. Bécordel-Bécourt is located in the department of Somme in the region of Picardie. You will find the satellite map of Bécordel-Bécourt under these photos.

To see photos of nearby towns of Bécordel-Bécourt, you can try the following links :
   - Pictures of Méaulte (80810) : town located at 1.92 km
   - Pictures of Fricourt (80300) : town located at 2.26 km
   - Pictures of Albert (80300) : town located at 2.86 km
   - Pictures of Mametz (80300) : town located at 3.61 km
   - Pictures of Aveluy (80300) : town located at 4.11 km
   - Pictures of Dernancourt (80300) : town located at 4.22 km
   - Pictures of Ovillers-la-Boisselle (80300) : town located at 4.43 km
   - Pictures of Contalmaison (80300) : town located at 4.74 km
   - Pictures of Carnoy (80300) : town located at 5.00 km
   - Pictures of Morlancourt (80300) : town located at 5.89 km
   - Pictures of Bray-sur-Somme (80340) : town located at 5.99 km
   - Pictures of Authuille (80300) : town located at 6.02 km

 - photos of the department prefecture of Somme : photos of Amiens
 - pictures of others cities of Somme : Somme

To see Bécordel-Bécourt from the sky, here is the satellite map of the town of Bécordel-Bécourt : Bécordel-Bécourt map.

I like Bécordel-Bécourt !

Photos of the town of Bécordel-Bécourt

These photos taken near the town of Bécordel-Bécourt can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.

Tank Corps Memorial – Mark IV tank model. Pozières, France. 13-7-2022 - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
Tank Corps Memorial – Mark IV tank model. Pozières, France. 13-7-2022

Tank Corps Memorial. Pozières, France. 13-7-2022 - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
Tank Corps Memorial. Pozières, France. 13-7-2022

Tank Corps Memorial – Mark V tank model. Pozières, France. 13-7-2022 - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
Tank Corps Memorial – Mark V tank model. Pozières, France. 13-7-2022

Tank Corps Memorial – Whippet tank model. Pozières, France. 13-7-2022 - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
Tank Corps Memorial – Whippet tank model. Pozières, France. 13-7-2022

Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme. 13-7-2022 - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme. 13-7-2022

Replica Nieuport 17 ‘1530 / 2’ at the Thiepval Memorial. - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
Replica Nieuport 17 ‘1530 / 2’ at the Thiepval Memorial.

51st Highland Division Memorial. Beaumont-Hamel, France. 13-7-2022 - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
51st Highland Division Memorial. Beaumont-Hamel, France. 13-7-2022

German trench line at the Newfoundland Memorial Park, Beaumont-Hamel, France. 13-7-2022 - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
German trench line at the Newfoundland Memorial Park, Beaumont-Hamel, France. 13-7-2022

Preserved trenches at the Newfoundland Memorial Park, Beaumont-Hamel, France. 13-7-2022 - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
Preserved trenches at the Newfoundland Memorial Park, Beaumont-Hamel, France. 13-7-2022

Preserved battlefield at the Newfoundland Memorial Park, Beaumont-Hamel, France. 13-7-2022 - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
Preserved battlefield at the Newfoundland Memorial Park, Beaumont-Hamel, France. 13-7-2022

Newfoundland Regiment Memorial. Beaumont-Hamel, France. 13-7-2022 - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
Newfoundland Regiment Memorial. Beaumont-Hamel, France. 13-7-2022

Lochnagar Crater. La Boisselle, France. 13-7-2022 - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
Lochnagar Crater. La Boisselle, France. 13-7-2022

Lochnagar Crater. La Boisselle, France. 13-7-2022 - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
Lochnagar Crater. La Boisselle, France. 13-7-2022

The D929 between La Boisselle and Bapaume (Somme) - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
The D929 between La Boisselle and Bapaume (Somme)

The D929 between La Boisselle and Bapaume (Somme) - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
The D929 between La Boisselle and Bapaume (Somme)

The D929 between La Boisselle and Bapaume (Somme) - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
The D929 between La Boisselle and Bapaume (Somme)

The D929 between La Boisselle and Bapaume (Somme) - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
The D929 between La Boisselle and Bapaume (Somme)

The D929 between La Boisselle and Bapaume (Somme) - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
The D929 between La Boisselle and Bapaume (Somme)

The D929 between La Boisselle and Bapaume (Somme) - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
The D929 between La Boisselle and Bapaume (Somme)

The D929 between La Boisselle and Bapaume (Somme) - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
The D929 between La Boisselle and Bapaume (Somme)

The D929 between La Boisselle and Bapaume (Somme) - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
The D929 between La Boisselle and Bapaume (Somme)

Near Thiepval: Nab Valley (Somme) - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
Near Thiepval: Nab Valley (Somme)

La Boisselle: Lochnagar Crater Memorial (Somme) - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
La Boisselle: Lochnagar Crater Memorial (Somme)

La Boisselle: Lochnagar Crater Memorial (Somme) - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
La Boisselle: Lochnagar Crater Memorial (Somme)

La Boisselle: Lochnagar Crater Memorial (Somme) - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
La Boisselle: Lochnagar Crater Memorial (Somme)

La Boisselle: Lochnagar Crater Memorial (Somme) - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
La Boisselle: Lochnagar Crater Memorial (Somme)

La Boisselle: Lochnagar Crater Memorial (Somme) - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
La Boisselle: Lochnagar Crater Memorial (Somme)

La Boisselle: Lochnagar Crater Memorial (Somme) - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
La Boisselle: Lochnagar Crater Memorial (Somme)

La Boisselle: Lochnagar Crater Memorial (Somme) - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
La Boisselle: Lochnagar Crater Memorial (Somme)

La Boisselle: Lochnagar Crater Memorial (Somme) - Photo of Bécordel-Bécourt
La Boisselle: Lochnagar Crater Memorial (Somme)

Bécordel-Bécourt from the sky

Old photos of the town of Bécordel-Bécourt

These photos taken near the town of Bécordel-Bécourt can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.

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