The village of Chaume-et-Courchamp is a small village located east center of France. The town of Chaume-et-Courchamp is located in the department of Côte-d'Or of the french region Bourgogne. The town of Chaume-et-Courchamp is located in the township of Fontaine-Française part of the district of Dijon. The area code for Chaume-et-Courchamp is 21158 (also known as code INSEE), and the Chaume-et-Courchamp zip code is 21610.
Geography and map of Chaume-et-Courchamp :
The altitude of the city hall of Chaume-et-Courchamp is approximately 280 meters. The Chaume-et-Courchamp surface is 8.10 km ². The latitude and longitude of Chaume-et-Courchamp are 47.571 degrees North and 5.351 degrees East.
Nearby cities and towns of Chaume-et-Courchamp are :
Sacquenay (21260) at 3.39 km, Saint-Maurice-sur-Vingeanne (21610) at 4.43 km, Fontaine-Française (21610) at 5.04 km, Percey-le-Grand (70600) at 5.31 km, Chazeuil (21260) at 6.11 km, Montigny-Mornay-Villeneuve-sur-Vingeanne (21610) at 6.50 km, Pouilly-sur-Vingeanne (21610) at 6.72 km, Cusey (52190) at 6.81 km.
(The distances to these nearby towns of Chaume-et-Courchamp are calculated as the crow flies)
Population and housing of Chaume-et-Courchamp :
The population of Chaume-et-Courchamp was 140 in 1999, 142 in 2006 and 144 in 2007. The population density of Chaume-et-Courchamp is 17.78 inhabitants per km². The number of housing of Chaume-et-Courchamp was 85 in 2007. These homes of Chaume-et-Courchamp consist of 62 main residences, 12 second or occasional homes and 11 vacant homes. |
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Bed and Breakfast : la brocantine
Offering free WiFi and garden views, la brocantine is an accommodation situated in Fontaine-Française. Housed in a building dating from 17th century, the bed and breakfast is in...
Rate : from 75.00 €
to 105.00 €
Address : 9 place Henry IV 21610 Fontaine-Française
Distance Bed and Breakfast - Chaume-et-Courchamp : 5.19 km
Hotel : Hotel le Vauxois

This hotel set in an 18th-century building featuring exposed stonework and wooden beams, just 800 metres from Vaux-sous-Aubigny Train Station. It offers free parking and spaciou...
Price : from 85.00 €
to 115.00 €
Contact : 6 rue de l'Eglise 52190 Vaux-sous-Aubigny
Distance Hotel - Chaume-et-Courchamp : 10.71 km
Bed and Breakfast : Le Bailli de Montsaugeon
Offering a garden and a terrace, Le Bailli de Montsaugeon is a B&B located in Montsaugeon. Free WiFi access is available throughout and regional, French dishes can be prepared b...
Prices : from 87.50 €
to 159.00 €
Contact : 4, Rue de l'Église Notre Dame 52190 Montsaugeon
Distance Bed and Breakfast - Chaume-et-Courchamp : 11.13 km
Bed and Breakfast : Les rêves de Bourgogne
Offering a sun terrace and hot tub, the guest rooms Les rêves de Bourgogne is set in Selongey in the Burgundy Region, 32 km from Dijon. Free WiFi is available throughout the pro...
Rate : from 83.00 €
to 119.00 €
Contact : 6 Rue du Chainot 21260 Selongey
Distance Bed and Breakfast - Chaume-et-Courchamp : 12.52 km
Bed and Breakfast : Le Chateau de Prauthoy
Le Chateau de Prauthoy is an 18th-century castle located 53 km north of Dijon and a 20-minute drive from Langres. It features a 16th-century wine cellar and an outdoor swimming ...
Price : from 145.00 €
to 230.00 €
Address : 22 grand' rue 52190 Prauthoy
Distance Bed and Breakfast - Chaume-et-Courchamp : 12.71 km
Guest accommodation : Le Gite du Petit Lavoir
Located on the edge of La Bèze River and set in the heart of the medieval village, Le Gite du Petit Lavoir is an elegant, one-bedroom cottage with a furnished terrace and an equ...
Prices : from 70.00 €
to 80.00 €
Contact : Rue du Lavoir 21310 Bèze
Distance Guest accommodation - Chaume-et-Courchamp : 12.85 km
Hotel : Auberge du Renard'eau
Set on the banks of the River Bèze opposite the Saint Rémy church in Bèze, this half-timbered hotel offers a shaded terrace. The property is 5 minutes' walk from the Bèze caves....
Rate : from 65.00 €
to 120.00 €
Contact : Rue des Ponts 21310 Bèze
Distance Hotel - Chaume-et-Courchamp : 12.89 km
Hotel : Relais de Bèze

With free Wi-Fi access, this hotel is in the medieval village of Bèze and 5 km from Viévigne. It offers en suite rooms, a restaurant and a terrace with tables, chairs and paraso...
Price : from 65.00 €
to 106.00 €
Contact : 4 Place de Verdun 21310 Bèze
Distance Hotel - Chaume-et-Courchamp : 13.03 km
Guest accommodation : Le Gite des Tourelles
Located in Bèze, Le Gite des Tourelles offers accommodation with a terrace and free WiFi. The accommodation is 28 km from Dijon. This holiday home comes with 2 bedrooms, a flat...
Prices : from 95.00 €
Address : Impasse des tourelles 21310 Bèze
Distance Guest accommodation - Chaume-et-Courchamp : 13.05 km
Hotel : Logis Le Bourguignon

Situated in the heart of the Burgundy wine region, Le Bourguinon is a charming hotel offering comfortable accommodation. It features a restaurant serving regional cuisine, and t...
Rate : from 84.00 €
to 135.00 €
Contact : 8, Rue De La Porte De Bessey 21310 Bèze
Distance Hotel - Chaume-et-Courchamp : 13.09 km
Find another hotel near Chaume-et-Courchamp : Chaume-et-Courchamp hotels list
Map of Chaume-et-Courchamp
Map of Chaume-et-Courchamp :
At right you can find the localization of Chaume-et-Courchamp on the map of France. Below, this is the satellite map of Chaume-et-Courchamp. A road map, and maps templates of Chaume-et-Courchamp are available here : "road map of Chaume-et-Courchamp". This map show Chaume-et-Courchamp seen by the satellite of Google Map. To see the streets of Chaume-et-Courchamp or move on another zone, use the buttons "zoom" and "map" on top of this dynamic map.
Search on the map of Chaume-et-Courchamp :
To search hotels, housings, tourist information office, administrations or other services, use the Google search integrated to the map on the following page : "map Chaume-et-Courchamp".
Hotels of Chaume-et-Courchamp are listed on the map with the following icons:
The map of Chaume-et-Courchamp is centred in the following coordinates :
Print the map of Chaume-et-Courchamp
 Print the map of Chaume-et-Courchamp : map of Chaume-et-Courchamp
Photos Chaume-et-Courchamp
See all photos of Chaume-et-Courchamp :
Other photos of Chaume-et-Courchamp and nearby towns can be found here: photos Chaume-et-Courchamp
These photos taken near the town of Chaume-et-Courchamp can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.
Chaume-et-Courchamp weather forecast
Find next hours and 7 days weather forecast for Chaume-et-Courchamp here : weather Chaume-et-Courchamp (with english metrics)
This is the last weather forecast for Chaume-et-Courchamp collected by the nearest observation station of Fontaine-Française.
Week Forecast:
The latest weather data for Chaume-et-Courchamp were collected Wednesday, 26 March 2025 at 11:02 from the nearest observation station of Fontaine-Française.
Wednesday, March 26th | 13°C 6°C
0% 88%
| Cloudy
Temperature Max: 13°C Temperature Min: 6°C Precipitation Probability: 0% Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 88% Wind speed: 15 km/h South Humidity: 74%° UV Index: 4 Sunrise: 06:29 Sunset: 19:00 |
| Thursday, March 27th | 15°C 5°C
0% 16%
| Mostly clear
Temperature Max: 15°C Temperature Min: 5°C Precipitation Probability: 0% Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 16% Wind speed: 15 km/h Sout-East Humidity: 62%° UV Index: 5 Sunrise: 06:27 Sunset: 19:01 |
| Friday, March 28th | 15°C 3°C
22% 46%
| Partly cloudy
Temperature Max: 15°C Temperature Min: 3°C Precipitation Probability: 22% (Rain) Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 46% Wind speed: 8 km/h East Humidity: 61%° UV Index: 4 Sunrise: 06:25 Sunset: 19:02 |
| Saturday, March 29th | 12°C 5°C
64% 79%
| Rain
Temperature Max: 12°C Temperature Min: 5°C Precipitation Probability: 64% (Rain) Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 79% Wind speed: 23 km/h South Humidity: 65%° UV Index: 3 Sunrise: 06:23 Sunset: 19:04 |
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