The village of Cohennoz is a small village located south east of France. The town of Cohennoz is located in the department of Savoie of the french region Rhône-Alpes. The town of Cohennoz is located in the township of Ugine part of the district of Albertville. The area code for Cohennoz is 73088 (also known as code INSEE), and the Cohennoz zip code is 73400 or 73590.
Geography and map of Cohennoz :
The altitude of the city hall of Cohennoz is approximately 900 meters. The Cohennoz surface is 13.78 km ². The latitude and longitude of Cohennoz are 45.759 degrees North and 6.479 degrees East.
Nearby cities and towns of Cohennoz are :
Crest-Voland (73590) at 4.40 km, Queige (73720) at 4.47 km, Ugine (73400) at 4.87 km, Villard-sur-Doron (73270) at 5.31 km, Saint-Nicolas-la-Chapelle (73590) at 6.05 km, Notre-Dame-de-Bellecombe (73590) at 6.24 km, Marthod (73400) at 6.88 km, Flumet (73590) at 7.31 km.
(The distances to these nearby towns of Cohennoz are calculated as the crow flies)
Population and housing of Cohennoz :
The population of Cohennoz was 138 in 1999, 156 in 2006 and 155 in 2007. The population density of Cohennoz is 11.25 inhabitants per km². The number of housing of Cohennoz was 580 in 2007. These homes of Cohennoz consist of 72 main residences, 496 second or occasional homes and 12 vacant homes. |
Hotel Cohennoz
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Apartment : Apartment Fermes du beaufortain j
Apartment Fermes du beaufortain j provides accommodation with a kitchen, located in Villard-sur-Doron. Rosieres Ski Lift is 300 metres from the apartment, while Chamois Ski Lif...
Address : 1001 Route des Rosières Bisanne 1500 73270 Villard-sur-Doron
Distance Apartment - Cohennoz : 2.83 km
Apartment : Apartment Fermes du beaufortain j
Situated in Villard-sur-Doron, Apartment Fermes du beaufortain j provides accommodation with a TV. All units include a fully equipped kitchen, allowing guests to prepare their ...
Contact : 1001 Route des Rosières Bisanne 1500 73270 Villard-sur-Doron
Distance Apartment - Cohennoz : 2.83 km
Apartment : Apartment Perle des alpes h
Situated within 600 metres of Rosieres Ski Lift in Villard-sur-Doron, Apartment Perle des alpes h offers accommodation with a kitchen. The accommodation features a hot tub. Cha...
Contact : bisanne 1500 791 route des Rosières 73270 Villard-sur-Doron
Distance Apartment - Cohennoz : 2.90 km
Apartment : Apartment Perle des alpes h
Located in Villard-sur-Doron, Apartment Perle des alpes h provides accommodation within 600 metres of Rosieres Ski Lift. The accommodation features a hot tub. All of the units ...
Contact : bisanne 1500 791 route des Rosières 73270 Villard-sur-Doron
Distance Apartment - Cohennoz : 2.90 km
Apartment : Apartment Perle des alpes h
Apartment Perle des alpes h provides accommodation situated in Villard-sur-Doron, 1.9 km from Rosieres Ski Lift and Chamois Ski Lift. The accommodation boasts a hot tub. Each o...
Address : bisanne 1500 791 route des Rosières 73270 Villard-sur-Doron
Distance Apartment - Cohennoz : 2.90 km
Apartment : Les Saisies Bisanne
Situated 600 metres from Rosieres Ski Lift in Villard-sur-Doron, Les Saisies Bisanne offers accommodation with a kitchen. Guests have access to free WiFi. The apartment is equi...
Contact : 791 route des Rosières 73270 Villard-sur-Doron
Distance Apartment - Cohennoz : 2.98 km
Apartment : Apartment Chalet roc du vent
Located within 100 metres of Rosieres Ski Lift and 1.8 km of Chamois Ski Lift in Villard-sur-Doron, Apartment Chalet roc du vent provides accommodation with a TV and a kitchen. ...
Contact : 138 Route de la Râche Bisanne 1500 73270 Villard-sur-Doron
Distance Apartment - Cohennoz : 3.02 km
Apartment : Apartment Alpages de bisanne g
Set within 200 metres of Rosieres Ski Lift and 1.7 km of Chamois Ski Lift in Villard-sur-Doron, Apartment Alpages de bisanne g features accommodation with a TV. The accommodatio...
Contact : 3700 Route de la Nuaz Bisanne 1500 73270 Villard-sur-Doron
Distance Apartment - Cohennoz : 3.12 km
Apartment : Apartment Alpages de bisanne h
Located in Villard-sur-Doron, Apartment Alpages de bisanne h provides accommodation with a kitchen. The accommodation features a hot tub. Rosieres Ski Lift is 200 metres from t...
Address : 3700 Route de la Nuaz Bisanne 1500 73270 Villard-sur-Doron
Distance Apartment - Cohennoz : 3.12 km
Apartment : Apartment Alpages de bisanne e
Located within 200 metres of Rosieres Ski Lift in Villard-sur-Doron, Apartment Alpages de bisanne e features accommodation with a TV and a kitchen. The accommodation boasts a ho...
Contact : 3700 Route de la Nuaz Bisanne 1500 73270 Villard-sur-Doron
Distance Apartment - Cohennoz : 3.12 km
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Map of Cohennoz
Map of Cohennoz :
At right you can find the localization of Cohennoz on the map of France. Below, this is the satellite map of Cohennoz. A road map, and maps templates of Cohennoz are available here : "road map of Cohennoz". This map show Cohennoz seen by the satellite of Google Map. To see the streets of Cohennoz or move on another zone, use the buttons "zoom" and "map" on top of this dynamic map.
Search on the map of Cohennoz :
To search hotels, housings, tourist information office, administrations or other services, use the Google search integrated to the map on the following page : "map Cohennoz".
Hotels of Cohennoz are listed on the map with the following icons:
The map of Cohennoz is centred in the following coordinates :
Print the map of Cohennoz
 Print the map of Cohennoz : map of Cohennoz
Photos Cohennoz
See all photos of Cohennoz :
Other photos of Cohennoz and nearby towns can be found here: photos Cohennoz
Cohennoz weather forecast
Find next hours and 7 days weather forecast for Cohennoz here : weather Cohennoz (with english metrics)
This is the last weather forecast for Cohennoz collected by the nearest observation station of Ugine.
Week Forecast:
The latest weather data for Cohennoz were collected Tuesday, 25 March 2025 at 08:05 from the nearest observation station of Ugine.
Tuesday, March 25th | 15°C 5°C
21% 45%
| Partly cloudy
Temperature Max: 15°C Temperature Min: 5°C Precipitation Probability: 21% (Rain) Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 45% Wind speed: 3 km/h South-East Humidity: 61%° UV Index: 4 Sunrise: 06:27 Sunset: 18:53 |
| Wednesday, March 26th | 15°C 5°C
0% 75%
| Mostly cloudy
Temperature Max: 15°C Temperature Min: 5°C Precipitation Probability: 0% Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 75% Wind speed: 4 km/h South-East Humidity: 62%° UV Index: 4 Sunrise: 06:25 Sunset: 18:55 |
| Thursday, March 27th | 13°C 5°C
0% 72%
| Mostly cloudy
Temperature Max: 13°C Temperature Min: 5°C Precipitation Probability: 0% Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 72% Wind speed: 4 km/h South-East Humidity: 65%° UV Index: 4 Sunrise: 06:23 Sunset: 18:56 |
| Friday, March 28th | 13°C 5°C
23% 68%
| Mostly cloudy
Temperature Max: 13°C Temperature Min: 5°C Precipitation Probability: 23% (Rain) Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 68% Wind speed: 5 km/h South-East Humidity: 59%° UV Index: 4 Sunrise: 06:21 Sunset: 18:57 |
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