The village of Foucherans is a small village located east of France. The town of Foucherans is located in the department of Doubs of the french region Franche-Comté. The town of Foucherans is located in the township of Ornans part of the district of Besançon. The area code for Foucherans is 25250 (also known as code INSEE), and the Foucherans zip code is 25620.
Geography and map of Foucherans :
The altitude of the city hall of Foucherans is approximately 490 meters. The Foucherans surface is 10.95 km ². The latitude and longitude of Foucherans are 47.158 degrees North and 6.138 degrees East.
Nearby cities and towns of Foucherans are :
Trépot (25620) at 1.26 km, Tarcenay (25620) at 2.12 km, Le Gratteris (25620) at 2.90 km, Bonnevaux-le-Prieuré (25620) at 3.61 km, Villers-sous-Montrond (25620) at 4.03 km, Mamirolle (25620) at 4.71 km, Mérey-sous-Montrond (25660) at 5.22 km, Ornans (25290) at 5.81 km.
(The distances to these nearby towns of Foucherans are calculated as the crow flies)
Population and housing of Foucherans :
The population of Foucherans was 330 in 1999, 409 in 2006 and 421 in 2007. The population density of Foucherans is 38.45 inhabitants per km². The number of housing of Foucherans was 170 in 2007. These homes of Foucherans consist of 157 main residences, 8 second or occasional homes and 6 vacant homes. |
Hotel Foucherans
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Bed and Breakfast : Au Doubs Cocon Fleuri
Situated in Mamirolle, Au Doubs Cocon Fleuri is a bed and breakfast with private terraces 10 km from Mérey sous Montrond. The property provides garden views, a children's playgr...
Rate : from 60.00 €
Address : 36 GRANDE RUE 25620 Mamirolle
Distance Bed and Breakfast - Foucherans : 4.46 km
Hotel : Logis Hôtel et Restaurant de La Vallée

Located in Ornans, Logis Hôtel et Restaurant De La Vallée is just 200 metres from the city centre and La Loue River. The Gustave Courbet Museum is just 550 metres away. With a ...
Price : from 59.90 €
to 120.90 €
Contact : 39, Avenue Du Président Wilson 25290 Ornans
Distance Hotel - Foucherans : 5.67 km
Bed and Breakfast : L'Atelier Du Peintre
L’Atelier Du Peintre is a B&B situated in Ornans, just 23 km from Besançon Train Station and 100 metres form La Loue River. It offers free Wi-Fi internet access throughout the p...
Prices : from 60.00 €
to 100.00 €
Contact : 37 Place Courbet 25290 Ornans
Distance Bed and Breakfast - Foucherans : 5.68 km
Apartment : Appartement Le Chalet
Set in Ornans in the Franche-Comté region, Appartement Le Chalet features a balcony and mountain views. Free WiFi is available. This 2-bedroom apartment includes 1 bathroom equ...
Rate : from 40.00 €
to 55.00 €
Contact : 14 Rue St Laurent 25290 Ornans
Distance Apartment - Foucherans : 5.84 km
Guest accommodation : Gîte La Rosa
Set on a 7-acre park in Ornans, Gîte La Rosa is 26 km from Besançon. It offers ski storage, barbecue facilities and 4 bedrooms with a balcony. A washing machine is provided. Wi...
Address : 6 rue de La Plante 25290 Ornans
Distance Guest accommodation - Foucherans : 6.04 km
Hotel : La Table de Gustave
Situated along La Loue River, La Table de Gustave is located in Ornans town. It is just 550 metres from the Gustave Courbet museum and Pontarlier is 35 km away. All of the room...
Prices : from 50.00 €
to 103.00 €
Contact : 11 rue Jacques Gervais 25290 Ornans
Distance Hotel - Foucherans : 6.11 km
Guest accommodation : Sites et Paysages Domaine la Roche d'Ully
Located 1 km from Ornans, Sites et Paysages Domaine la Roche d'Ully offers self-catering bungalows and an indoor swimming pool. It features a children’s playground, a football t...
Contact : Allée de la Tour de Peilz 25290 Ornans
Distance Guest accommodation - Foucherans : 6.24 km
Bed and Breakfast : Le Jardin De Gustave
Le Jardin De Gustave is a bed and breakfast located in Ornans, along La Loue River and 1 km from Musée Courbet. It is set within a 4-hectare garden along the river and offers fr...
Price : from 64.00 €
to 84.00 €
Contact : 28 Rue Edouard Bastide 25290 Ornans
Distance Bed and Breakfast - Foucherans : 6.27 km
Guest accommodation : Gîte sur Loue
With river views, Gîte sur Loue is situated in Ornans and has free WiFi. The accommodation comes with a fully equipped kitchenette with an oven, a flat-screen TV and a private ...
Prices : from 38.40 €
to 80.00 €
Address : 18 rue Édouard Bastide 25290 Ornans
Distance Guest accommodation - Foucherans : 6.31 km
Hotel : Hotel au Fil de L'Eau - La Malate
Hotel au Fil de l’Eau – La Malate is located by the Doubs River, just 4 km form the centre of Besançon and 3 km from Saint-Jean de Besançon Cathedral. The hotel is set within a ...
Rate : from 69.00 €
to 119.00 €
Contact : 48, Chemin de la Malate 25000 Besançon
Distance Hotel - Foucherans : 10.13 km
Find another hotel near Foucherans : Foucherans hotels list
Map of Foucherans
Map of Foucherans :
At right you can find the localization of Foucherans on the map of France. Below, this is the satellite map of Foucherans. A road map, and maps templates of Foucherans are available here : "road map of Foucherans". This map show Foucherans seen by the satellite of Google Map. To see the streets of Foucherans or move on another zone, use the buttons "zoom" and "map" on top of this dynamic map.
Search on the map of Foucherans :
To search hotels, housings, tourist information office, administrations or other services, use the Google search integrated to the map on the following page : "map Foucherans".
Hotels of Foucherans are listed on the map with the following icons:
The map of Foucherans is centred in the following coordinates :
Print the map of Foucherans
 Print the map of Foucherans : map of Foucherans
Photos Foucherans
See all photos of Foucherans :
Other photos of Foucherans and nearby towns can be found here: photos Foucherans
Foucherans weather forecast
Find next hours and 7 days weather forecast for Foucherans here : weather Foucherans (with english metrics)
This is the last weather forecast for Foucherans collected by the nearest observation station of Ornans.
Week Forecast:
The latest weather data for Foucherans were collected Sunday, 30 March 2025 at 19:02 from the nearest observation station of Ornans.
Sunday, March 30th | 13°C -0°C
15% 76%
| Mostly cloudy
Temperature Max: 13°C Temperature Min: -0°C Precipitation Probability: 15% (Rain) Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 76% Wind speed: 5 km/h East Humidity: 67%° UV Index: 4 Sunrise: 07:18 Sunset: 20:02 |
| Monday, March 31st | 12°C 4°C
0% 49%
| Partly cloudy
Temperature Max: 12°C Temperature Min: 4°C Precipitation Probability: 0% Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 49% Wind speed: 10 km/h Sout-East Humidity: 66%° UV Index: 5 Sunrise: 07:16 Sunset: 20:03 |
| Tuesday, April 1st | 13°C 3°C
0% 5%
| Windy
Temperature Max: 13°C Temperature Min: 3°C Precipitation Probability: 0% Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 5% Wind speed: 24 km/h Sout-East Humidity: 52%° UV Index: 5 Sunrise: 07:14 Sunset: 20:05 |
| Wednesday, April 2nd | 17°C 2°C
0% 2%
| Clear
Temperature Max: 17°C Temperature Min: 2°C Precipitation Probability: 0% Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 2% Wind speed: 8 km/h Sout-East Humidity: 51%° UV Index: 4 Sunrise: 07:12 Sunset: 20:06 |
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