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City of Maripasoula

The city of Maripasoula is located in the department of Guyane of the french region Guyane. The city of Maripasoula is located in the township of Maripasoula part of the district of Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni. The area code for Maripasoula is 97353 (also known as code INSEE), and the Maripasoula zip code is 97370.

Geography and map of Maripasoula :

The altitude of the city hall of Maripasoula is approximately 462 meters. The Maripasoula surface is 18 360.00 km ². The latitude and longitude of Maripasoula are 3.644 degrees North and 54.034 degrees West. Nearby cities and towns of Maripasoula are : Papaichton (97316) at 22.15 km, Grand-Santi (97340) at 79.92 km, Saül (97314) at 91.44 km, Saint-Élie (97312) at 155.50 km, Apatou (97317) at 170.96 km, Camopi (97330) at 195.13 km, Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni (97320) at 205.15 km, Montsinéry-Tonnegrande (97356) at 219.86 km.
(The distances to these nearby towns of Maripasoula are calculated as the crow flies)

Population and housing of Maripasoula :

The population of Maripasoula was 3 652 in 1999 and 5 545 in 2007. The population density of Maripasoula is 0.30 inhabitants per km². The number of housing of Maripasoula was 1 563 in 2007. These homes of Maripasoula consist of 1 217 main residences, 35 second or occasional homes and 312 vacant homes.
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Administrative Information of Maripasoula
Region :Guyane (3) Map of France regions
Departement :Guyane (973) Map of France departments
District :Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni 
Township :Maripasoula 
Area code :97353 
Zip code :97370 
Nearby towns of Maripasoula
Here are maps and information of the close municipalities near Maripasoula.
See all the towns of Guyane (Distances are calculated as the crow flies)
Papaichton (973)  at 22.15 kmGrand-Santi (973)  at 79.92 km
Saül (973)  at 91.44 kmSaint-Élie (973)  at 155.50 km
Apatou (973)  at 170.96 kmCamopi (973)  at 195.13 km
Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni (973)  at 205.15 kmMontsinéry-Tonnegrande (973)  at 219.86 km
Régina (973)  at 222.92 kmIracoubo (973)  at 223.64 km
Roura (973)  at 224.48 kmSinnamary (973)  at 226.34 km
Mana (973)  at 226.79 kmKourou (973)  at 227.66 km
Macouria (973)  at 230.22 kmMatoury (973)  at 231.19 km
Awala-Yalimapo (973)  at 233.25 kmCayenne (973)  at 236.99 km
Remire-Montjoly (973)  at 239.82 kmSaint-Georges (973)  at 249.00 km

Geography of Maripasoula
Area :18 360.00 km² (1 836 000 hectares) 
Minimum altitude : 94 m  
Maximum altitude : 830 m  
Average altitude : 462 m  
Altitude of the city hall : 462 m Map France physical
Sexagesimal geographical coordinates (WGS84): Latitude: 03° 38' 28'' North
Longitude: 54° 01' 40'' West
Decimal geographical coordinates : Latitude: 3.644 degrees (3.644° North)
Longitude: -54.034 degrees (54.034° West)

Population and housings of Maripasoula
Inhabitants in 1999 :3 652 inhabitants 
Inhabitants in 2007 :5 545 inhabitants 
Population data :Population Maripasoula
Population density : 0.30 hab/km² Map of France population density
Variation of population density : +5.36 %/year variation of population density of France
Housings in 1999 :1 098 logements 
Housings in 2007 :1 563 logements 
Housings data :Housing Maripasoula

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Map of Maripasoula


Map of Maripasoula :

At right you can find the localization of Maripasoula on the map of France. Below, this is the satellite map of Maripasoula.. This map show Maripasoula seen by the satellite of Google Map. To see the streets of Maripasoula or move on another zone, use the buttons "zoom" and "map" on top of this dynamic map.

Search on the map of Maripasoula :

To search hotels, housings, tourist information office, administrations or other services, use the Google search integrated to the map on the following page : "map Maripasoula".
Hotels of Maripasoula are listed on the map with the following icons: hotel Maripasoula

The map of Maripasoula is centred in the following coordinates :

Latitude :   Longitude :   


Print the map of Maripasoula

Print the map of Maripasoula : map of Maripasoula

Photos Maripasoula

See all photos of Maripasoula :

Other photos of Maripasoula and nearby towns can be found here: photos Maripasoula
These photos taken near the city of Maripasoula can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.

Retour en Canoë, sous la pluie - Photo of Maripasoula
Retour en Canoë, sous la pluie

Arrêt au Suriname pour faire le plein... - Photo of Maripasoula
Arrêt au Suriname pour faire le plein...

Le long du Maroni, côte Surinamaise - Photo of Maripasoula
Le long du Maroni, côte Surinamaise

Le long du Maroni, côte Surinamaise - Photo of Maripasoula
Le long du Maroni, côte Surinamaise

Débarquement - Photo of Maripasoula

Photo of Maripasoula
Photo of Maripasoula

Photo of Maripasoula
Photo of Maripasoula

Photo of Maripasoula
Photo of Maripasoula

Carbet... ou ce qu-il en reste - Photo of Maripasoula
Carbet... ou ce qu-il en reste

Baignage - Photo of Maripasoula

Machette - Photo of Maripasoula

Cascade - Photo of Maripasoula

Photo of Maripasoula
Photo of Maripasoula

Epiphyte - Photo of Maripasoula

Maripasoula weather forecast

Find next hours and 7 days weather forecast for Maripasoula here : weather Maripasoula (with english metrics)
This is the last weather forecast for Maripasoula collected by the nearest observation station of Maripasoula.

Week Forecast:

The latest weather data for Maripasoula were collected Tuesday, 25 March 2025 at 08:07 from the nearest observation station of Maripasoula.

Tuesday, March 25th

29°C     22°C



Temperature Max: 29°C    Temperature Min: 22°C
Precipitation Probability: 77% (Rain)
Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 85%
Wind speed: 8 km/h Sout-East
Humidity: 85%°        UV Index: 8
Sunrise: 10:38     Sunset: 22:45

Wednesday, March 26th

31°C     22°C



Temperature Max: 31°C    Temperature Min: 22°C
Precipitation Probability: 65% (Rain)
Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 79%
Wind speed: 8 km/h Sout-East
Humidity: 83%°        UV Index: 8
Sunrise: 10:37     Sunset: 22:45

Thursday, March 27th

29°C     22°C



Temperature Max: 29°C    Temperature Min: 22°C
Precipitation Probability: 70% (Rain)
Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 84%
Wind speed: 7 km/h Sout-East
Humidity: 86%°        UV Index: 8
Sunrise: 10:37     Sunset: 22:45

Friday, March 28th

29°C     22°C



Temperature Max: 29°C    Temperature Min: 22°C
Precipitation Probability: 74% (Rain)
Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 91%
Wind speed: 6 km/h Sout-East
Humidity: 87%°        UV Index: 7
Sunrise: 10:37     Sunset: 22:45


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