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Population Marizy

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Marizy population statistics

Population of Marizy was 461 inhabitants in 2007. You will find below a series of charts and statistical curves of population census of the town of Marizy.
Population of Marizy was 453 inhabitants in 1999, 444 inhabitants in 1990, 423 inhabitants in 1982, 471 inhabitants in 1975 and 505 inhabitants in 1968.

Area of Marizy is 30,75 km² and has a population density of 14,99 inhabs/km².

Find statistics and informations of the population of nearby towns of Marizy :
   - demography of La Guiche : town located at 4.04 km
   - demography of Le Rousset : town located at 4.20 km
   - demography of Ballore : town located at 4.51 km
   - demography of Pouilloux : town located at 5.91 km
   - demography of Saint-Romain-sous-Gourdon : town located at 6.34 km
   - demography of Mornay : town located at 6.94 km
   - demography of Martigny-le-Comte : town located at 7.03 km
   - demography of Chevagny-sur-Guye : town located at 8.14 km

See population statistics of the department prefecture of Saône-et-Loire : Population of Mâcon

See population statistics of other cities of Saône-et-Loire : Saône-et-Loire

Must see: housing of Marizy, the road map of Marizy, the photos of Marizy, the map of Marizy.

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Historical data of the population of Marizy from 1968 to 2007

Historical data of the population of Marizy from 1968 to 2007 :

Population of Marizy was 461 inhabitants in 2007, 453 inhabitants in 1999, 444 inhabitants in 1990, 423 inhabitants in 1982, 471 inhabitants in 1975 and 505 inhabitants in 1968.

This population Census of the town of Marizy was made without duplicated data, which means that each Marizy resident that have ties to another municipality is counted only once for the two municipalities.

Population Marizy
Population Marizy

Population distribution of Marizy by sexe

Population distribution of Marizy by sexe :
- Men inhabitants Marizy in 2007 were 232
- Women inhabitants in 2007 were 229

Sex distribution of population of Marizy in 2007

Evolution of the population of Marizy

Population of Marizy from 1968 to 2007 :

This curve shows the history of the population of Marizy from 1968 to 2007 in cubic interpolation. This provides more precisely the population of the municipality of Marizy the years where no census has been taken.

- Population of Marizy in 2007 : 461 inhabitants
- Population of Marizy in 1999 : 453 inhabitants
- Population of Marizy in 1990 : 444 inhabitants
- Population of Marizy in 1982 : 423 inhabitants
- Population of Marizy in 1975 : 471 inhabitants
- Population of Marizy in 1968 : 505 inhabitants
Marizy : Cubic interpolation of population growth

Marizy : births and deaths

Marizy : births and deaths from 1999 to 2008

- Marizy in 2008 : 8 births and 6 deaths
- Marizy in 2007 : 3 births and 3 deaths
- Marizy in 2006 : 8 births and 1 deaths
- Marizy in 2005 : 3 births and 1 deaths
- Marizy in 2004 : 8 births and 3 deaths
- Marizy in 2003 : 6 births and 2 deaths
- Marizy in 2002 : 5 births and 4 deaths
- Marizy in 2001 : 9 births and 3 deaths
- Marizy in 2000 : 4 births and 7 deaths
- Marizy in 1999 : 3 births and 3 deaths

Marizy : Number of births and deaths from 1999 to 2008

Marizy : evolution of births and deaths from 1968 to 2007

- From 1999 and 2007 : 46 births and 24 deaths.
- From 1990 and 1999 : 40 births and 37 deaths.
- From 1982 and 1990 : 43 births and 43 deaths.
- From 1975 and 1982 : 28 births and 45 deaths.
- From 1968 and 1975 : 53 births and 63 deaths.

Marizy : Evolution of births and deaths between 1968 and 2007

Distribution of the population of Marizy by age

Distribution of the population of Marizy by age in 2007 :

- Population of Marizy from 0 to 14 years : 85 inhabitants
- Population of Marizy from 15 to 29 years : 70 inhabitants
- Population of Marizy from 30 to 44 years : 85 inhabitants
- Population of Marizy from 45 to 59 years : 87 inhabitants
- Population of Marizy from 60 to 74 years : 95 inhabitants
- Population of Marizy from 75 years or more : 40 inhabitants
Age distribution of population of Marizy in 2007

Distribution of the population of Marizy by age in 1999 :

- Population of Marizy from 0 to 14 years : 92 inhabitants
- Population of Marizy from 15 to 29 years : 77 inhabitants
- Population of Marizy from 30 to 44 years : 96 inhabitants
- Population of Marizy from 45 to 59 years : 89 inhabitants
- Population of Marizy from 60 to 74 years : 76 inhabitants
- Population of Marizy from 75 years or more : 23 inhabitants
Age distribution of population of Marizy in 1999

Men population of Marizy in 2007

Men population distribution of Marizy by age in 2007 :

- Marizy men inhabitants from 0 to 14 years : 44
- Marizy men inhabitants from 15 to 29 years : 31
- Marizy men inhabitants from 30 to 44 years : 44
- Marizy men inhabitants from 45 to 59 years : 47
- Marizy men inhabitants from 60 to 74 years : 46
- Marizy men inhabitants from 75 to 90 years : 21
- Marizy men inhabitants of 90 years and more : 0
Men age distribution of Marizy in 2007

Men population distribution of Marizy by age in 2007 :

- Marizy men inhabitants from 0 to 19 years : 53
- Marizy men inhabitants from 20 to 64 years : 127
- Marizy men inhabitants of 65 years and more : 53
Men age distribution of Marizy in 2007

Population féminine of Marizy in 2007

Women population distribution of Marizy by age in 2007 :

- Marizy women inhabitants from 0 to 14 years : 41
- Marizy women inhabitants from 15 to 29 years : 39
- Marizy women inhabitants from 30 to 44 years : 41
- Marizy women inhabitants from 45 to 59 years : 40
- Marizy women inhabitants from 60 to 74 years : 49
- Marizy women inhabitants from 75 to 90 years : 18
- Marizy women inhabitants of 90 years and more : 1
Women age distribution of Marizy in 2007

Women population distribution of Marizy by age in 2007 :

- Marizy women inhabitants from 0 to 19 years : 53
- Marizy women inhabitants from 20 to 64 years : 127
- Marizy women inhabitants of 65 years and more : 49

Women age distribution of Marizy in 2007

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