Paris population statistics
Historical data of the population of Paris from 1968 to 2007
Historical data of the population of Paris from 1968 to 2007 :
Population of Paris was 2 193 031 inhabitants in 2007, 2 125 851 inhabitants in 1999, 2 152 423 inhabitants in 1990, 2 176 243 inhabitants in 1982, 2 299 830 inhabitants in 1975 and 2 590 771 inhabitants in 1968.
This population Census of the city of Paris was made without duplicated data, which means that each Paris resident that have ties to another municipality is counted only once for the two municipalities.
 Population Paris
Population distribution of Paris by sexe
Population distribution of Paris by sexe :
- Men inhabitants Paris in 2007 were 1 032 971 - Women inhabitants in 2007 were 1 160 060
Evolution of the population of Paris
Population of Paris from 1968 to 2007 :
This curve shows the history of the population of Paris from 1968 to 2007 in cubic interpolation. This provides more precisely the population of the municipality of Paris the years where no census has been taken.
- Population of Paris in 2007 : 2 193 031 inhabitants
- Population of Paris in 1999 : 2 125 851 inhabitants
- Population of Paris in 1990 : 2 152 423 inhabitants
- Population of Paris in 1982 : 2 176 243 inhabitants
- Population of Paris in 1975 : 2 299 830 inhabitants
- Population of Paris in 1968 : 2 590 771 inhabitants
Paris : births and deaths
Paris : births and deaths from 1999 to 2008
- Paris in 2008 : 30 623 births and 14 112 deaths
- Paris in 2007 : 30 820 births and 14 010 deaths
- Paris in 2006 : 31 748 births and 14 076 deaths
- Paris in 2005 : 31 378 births and 14 666 deaths
- Paris in 2004 : 31 817 births and 14 302 deaths
- Paris in 2003 : 31 493 births and 16 685 deaths
- Paris in 2002 : 32 237 births and 15 659 deaths
- Paris in 2001 : 31 977 births and 16 147 deaths
- Paris in 2000 : 31 940 births and 16 022 deaths
- Paris in 1999 : 31 187 births and 16 663 deaths
Paris : evolution of births and deaths from 1968 to 2007
- From 1999 and 2007 : 253 777 births and 124 220 deaths.
- From 1990 and 1999 : 274 423 births and 168 412 deaths.
- From 1982 and 1990 : 254 976 births and 177 141 deaths.
- From 1975 and 1982 : 220 479 births and 174 171 deaths.
- From 1968 and 1975 : 262 006 births and 195 077 deaths.
Distribution of the population of Paris by age
Distribution of the population of Paris by age in 2007 :
- Population of Paris from 0 to 14 years : 314 149 inhabitants
- Population of Paris from 15 to 29 years : 519 184 inhabitants
- Population of Paris from 30 to 44 years : 527 708 inhabitants
- Population of Paris from 45 to 59 years : 414 469 inhabitants
- Population of Paris from 60 to 74 years : 254 609 inhabitants
- Population of Paris from 75 years or more : 162 912 inhabitants
Distribution of the population of Paris by age in 1999 :
- Population of Paris from 0 to 14 years : 302 605 inhabitants
- Population of Paris from 15 to 29 years : 517 946 inhabitants
- Population of Paris from 30 to 44 years : 501 848 inhabitants
- Population of Paris from 45 to 59 years : 402 221 inhabitants
- Population of Paris from 60 to 74 years : 244 782 inhabitants
- Population of Paris from 75 years or more : 156 449 inhabitants
Men population of Paris in 2007
Men population distribution of Paris by age in 2007 :
- Paris men inhabitants from 0 to 14 years : 160 573
- Paris men inhabitants from 15 to 29 years : 244 708
- Paris men inhabitants from 30 to 44 years : 264 673
- Paris men inhabitants from 45 to 59 years : 194 842
- Paris men inhabitants from 60 to 74 years : 113 303
- Paris men inhabitants from 75 to 90 years : 50 685
- Paris men inhabitants of 90 years and more : 4 187
Men population distribution of Paris by age in 2007 :
- Paris men inhabitants from 0 to 19 years : 215 535
- Paris men inhabitants from 20 to 64 years : 699 668
- Paris men inhabitants of 65 years and more : 117 768
Population féminine of Paris in 2007
Women population distribution of Paris by age in 2007 :
- Paris women inhabitants from 0 to 14 years : 153 576
- Paris women inhabitants from 15 to 29 years : 274 476
- Paris women inhabitants from 30 to 44 years : 263 036
- Paris women inhabitants from 45 to 59 years : 219 627
- Paris women inhabitants from 60 to 74 years : 141 306
- Paris women inhabitants from 75 to 90 years : 94 672
- Paris women inhabitants of 90 years and more : 13 367
Women population distribution of Paris by age in 2007 :
- Paris women inhabitants from 0 to 19 years : 211 746
- Paris women inhabitants from 20 to 64 years : 756 879
- Paris women inhabitants of 65 years and more : 191 435
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