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City of Petite-Île

The city of Petite-Île is located in the department of La Réunion of the french region La Réunion. The city of Petite-Île is located in the township of Petite-Île part of the district of Saint-Pierre. The area code for Petite-Île is 97405 (also known as code INSEE), and the Petite-Île zip code is 97429.

Geography and map of Petite-Île :

The altitude of the city hall of Petite-Île is approximately 791 meters. The Petite-Île surface is 33.93 km ². The latitude and longitude of Petite-Île are 21.34 degrees South and 55.57 degrees East. Nearby cities and towns of Petite-Île are : Saint-Joseph (97480) at 6.65 km, Le Tampon (97430) at 8.90 km, Saint-Pierre (97410) at 9.54 km, Entre-Deux (97414) at 14.47 km, Saint-Louis (97450) at 17.66 km, Saint-Philippe (97442) at 20.58 km, L'Étang-Salé (97427) at 22.57 km, La Plaine-des-Palmistes (97431) at 23.49 km.
(The distances to these nearby towns of Petite-Île are calculated as the crow flies)

Population and housing of Petite-Île :

The population of Petite-Île was 10 157 in 1999 and 11 672 in 2007. The population density of Petite-Île is 344.00 inhabitants per km². The number of housing of Petite-Île was 4 621 in 2007. These homes of Petite-Île consist of 4 222 main residences, 70 second or occasional homes and 330 vacant homes.
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Administrative Information of Petite-Île
Region :La Réunion (4) Map of France regions
Departement :La Réunion (974) Map of France departments
District :Saint-Pierre 
Township :Petite-Île 
Area code :97405 
Zip code :97429 
Nearby towns of Petite-Île
Here are maps and information of the close municipalities near Petite-Île.
See all the towns of La Réunion (Distances are calculated as the crow flies)
Saint-Joseph (974)  at 6.65 kmLe Tampon (974)  at 8.90 km
Saint-Pierre (974)  at 9.54 kmEntre-Deux (974)  at 14.47 km
Saint-Louis (974)  at 17.66 kmSaint-Philippe (974)  at 20.58 km
L'Étang-Salé (974)  at 22.57 kmLa Plaine-des-Palmistes (974)  at 23.49 km
Cilaos (974)  at 24.94 kmLes Avirons (974)  at 26.81 km
Sainte-Rose (974)  at 32.99 kmSalazie (974)  at 34.83 km
Saint-Leu (974)  at 35.09 kmSaint-Benoît (974)  at 37.08 km
Les Trois-Bassins (974)  at 38.57 kmBras-Panon (974)  at 39.84 km
Saint-André (974)  at 42.97 kmSaint-Paul (974)  at 48.11 km
Sainte-Suzanne (974)  at 48.41 kmSainte-Marie (974)  at 49.27 km

Geography of Petite-Île
Area :33.93 km² (3 393 hectares) 
Minimum altitude : 0 m  
Maximum altitude : 1 581 m  
Average altitude : 791 m  
Altitude of the city hall : 791 m Map France physical
Sexagesimal geographical coordinates (WGS84): Latitude: 21° 21' 21'' South
Longitude: 55° 33' 57'' East
Decimal geographical coordinates : Latitude: -21.34 degrees (21.34° South)
Longitude: 55.57 degrees (55.57° East)

Population and housings of Petite-Île
Inhabitants in 1999 :10 157 inhabitants 
Inhabitants in 2007 :11 672 inhabitants 
Population data :Population Petite-Île
Population density : 344.00 hab/km² Map of France population density
Variation of population density : +1.75 %/year variation of population density of France
Housings in 1999 :3 573 logements 
Housings in 2007 :4 621 logements 
Housings data :Housing Petite-Île

Hotel Petite-Île

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Map of Petite-Île


Map of Petite-Île :

At right you can find the localization of Petite-Île on the map of France. Below, this is the satellite map of Petite-Île.. This map show Petite-Île seen by the satellite of Google Map. To see the streets of Petite-Île or move on another zone, use the buttons "zoom" and "map" on top of this dynamic map.

Search on the map of Petite-Île :

To search hotels, housings, tourist information office, administrations or other services, use the Google search integrated to the map on the following page : "map Petite-Île".
Hotels of Petite-Île are listed on the map with the following icons: hotel Petite-Île

The map of Petite-Île is centred in the following coordinates :

Latitude :   Longitude :   


Print the map of Petite-Île

Print the map of Petite-Île : map of Petite-Île

Photos Petite-Île

See all photos of Petite-Île :

Other photos of Petite-Île and nearby towns can be found here: photos Petite-Île
These photos taken near the city of Petite-Île can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.

Rivière Langevin - Photo of Petite-Île
Rivière Langevin

Harpa amouretta - Photo of Petite-Île
Harpa amouretta

Grande anse - Photo of Petite-Île
Grande anse

Manapany - Photo of Petite-Île

20050130-12h28Em45_Roland Garros le 22 - Photo of Petite-Île
20050130-12h28Em45_Roland Garros le 22

20070130-11h05Em3127_Cameleon - Photo of Petite-Île

20060114-11h43Em7303_Marche St Pierre - Photo of Petite-Île
20060114-11h43Em7303_Marche St Pierre

pêcheur à  Manapany les Bains - Photo of Petite-Île
pêcheur à Manapany les Bains

Réunion - Photo of Petite-Île

Réunion - Photo of Petite-Île

Saint-Pierre 20 10 18-18 - Photo of Petite-Île
Saint-Pierre 20 10 18-18

Saint-Pierre 20 10 18-49 - Photo of Petite-Île
Saint-Pierre 20 10 18-49

Saint-Pierre 20 10 18 - Photo of Petite-Île
Saint-Pierre 20 10 18

Point de collecte de la canne à sucre - Photo of Petite-Île
Point de collecte de la canne à sucre

Petite-Île weather forecast

Find next hours and 7 days weather forecast for Petite-Île here : weather Petite-Île (with english metrics)
This is the last weather forecast for Petite-Île collected by the nearest observation station of Petite-Île.

Week Forecast:

The latest weather data for Petite-Île were collected Wednesday, 12 March 2025 at 19:08 from the nearest observation station of Petite-Île.

Wednesday, March 12th

25°C     20°C



Temperature Max: 25°C    Temperature Min: 20°C
Precipitation Probability: 42% (Rain)
Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 52%
Wind speed: 7 km/h North
Humidity: 78%°        UV Index: 10
Sunrise: 03:18     Sunset: 15:35

Thursday, March 13th

25°C     20°C


Mostly cloudy

Temperature Max: 25°C    Temperature Min: 20°C
Precipitation Probability: 25% (Rain)
Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 63%
Wind speed: 8 km/h North-West
Humidity: 78%°        UV Index: 10
Sunrise: 03:19     Sunset: 15:34

Friday, March 14th

25°C     21°C



Temperature Max: 25°C    Temperature Min: 21°C
Precipitation Probability: 35% (Rain)
Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 75%
Wind speed: 5 km/h North
Humidity: 80%°        UV Index: 8
Sunrise: 03:19     Sunset: 15:34

Saturday, March 15th

27°C     21°C



Temperature Max: 27°C    Temperature Min: 21°C
Precipitation Probability: 38% (Rain)
Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 68%
Wind speed: 5 km/h North
Humidity: 76%°        UV Index: 9
Sunrise: 03:19     Sunset: 15:33


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