Evolution of the number of housing of Plonévez-Porzay
History of housing of Plonévez-Porzay from 1968 to 2007 :
The number of housing of Plonévez-Porzay was 1 085 in 2007, 978 in 1999, 916 in 1990, 838 in 1982, 617 in 1975 and 486 in 1968.
In 2007 the accommodations of Plonévez-Porzay consisted of 742 main homes, 313 second homes and 30 vacant accommodations.
The following graphs show the history of the number and the type of housing of Plonévez-Porzay from 1968 to 2007. The second graph is drawn in cubic interpolation. This allows to obtain more exactly the number of accommodation of the town of Plonévez-Porzay years where no inventory was made.
Housing of Plonévez-Porzay from 1968 to 2007 :
- Housing of Plonévez-Porzay in 2007 : 1 085
- Housing of Plonévez-Porzay in 1999 : 978
- Housing of Plonévez-Porzay in 1990 : 916
- Housing of Plonévez-Porzay in 1982 : 838
- Housing of Plonévez-Porzay in 1975 : 617
- Housing of Plonévez-Porzay in 1968 : 486
Number of housing of Plonévez-Porzay group by types from 1968 to 2007 :
- Number of main homes of Plonévez-Porzay in 2007 : 742
- Number of main homes of Plonévez-Porzay in 1999 : 651
- Number of main homes of Plonévez-Porzay in 1990 : 620
- Number of second homes of Plonévez-Porzay in 2007 : 313
- Number of second homes of Plonévez-Porzay in 1999 : 302
- Number of second homes of Plonévez-Porzay in 1990 : 228
- Number of vacant housing of Plonévez-Porzay in 2007 : 30
- Number of vacant housing of Plonévez-Porzay in 1999 : 25
- Number of vacant housing of Plonévez-Porzay in 1990 : 68
Housing of Plonévez-Porzay
Housing evolution of Plonévez-Porzay from 1968 to 2007
Number of housing of Plonévez-Porzay per inhabitants
History of the number of housing of Plonévez-Porzay per inhabitants :
The population of Plonévez-Porzay was 1 666 inhabitants in 2007, 1 582 inhabitants in 1999, 1 663 inhabitants in 1990, 1 643 inhabitants in 1982, 1 533 inhabitants in 1975 and 1 527 inhabitants in 1968. Meanwhile, the number of housing of Plonévez-Porzay was 1 085 in 2007, 978 in 1999, 916 in 1990, 838 in 1982, 617 in 1975 and 486 in 1968.
The number of inhabitants of Plonévez-Porzay per housing was 1,54 in 2007.
Population of Plonévez-Porzay from 1968 to 2007 :
- Population of Plonévez-Porzay in 2007 : 1 666 inhabitants
- Population of Plonévez-Porzay in 1999 : 1 582 inhabitants
- Population of Plonévez-Porzay in 1990 : 1 663 inhabitants
- Population of Plonévez-Porzay in 1982 : 1 643 inhabitants
- Population of Plonévez-Porzay in 1975 : 1 533 inhabitants
- Population of Plonévez-Porzay in 1968 : 1 527 inhabitants
Number of inhabitants per housing of Plonévez-Porzay :
- Number of inhabitants per housing of Plonévez-Porzay in 2007 : 1,54
- Number of inhabitants per housing of Plonévez-Porzay in 1999 : 1,62
- Number of inhabitants per housing of Plonévez-Porzay in 1990 : 1,82
- Number of inhabitants per housing of Plonévez-Porzay in 1982 : 1,96
- Number of inhabitants per housing of Plonévez-Porzay in 1975 : 2,48
- Number of inhabitants per housing of Plonévez-Porzay in 1968 : 3,14
Number of inhabitants and housing of Plonévez-Porzay
Number of inhabitants per housing of Plonévez-Porzay
Type of accommodation of Plonévez-Porzay
The accommodation of Plonévez-Porzay in 2007 consisted of 944 houses and 120 flats.
Here are below the graphs presenting the statistics of housing of Plonévez-Porzay.
Type of housing of Plonévez-Porzay in 2007 :
- Number of houses of Plonévez-Porzay in 2007 : 944
- Number of apartments of Plonévez-Porzay in 2007 : 120 |
Number of rooms of main homes of Plonévez-Porzay in 2007 :
- Number of main homes of Plonévez-Porzay of 1 room : 0 - Number of main homes of Plonévez-Porzay of 2 rooms : 46 - Number of main homes of Plonévez-Porzay of 3 rooms : 87 - Number of main homes of Plonévez-Porzay of 4 rooms : 87 - Number of main homes of Plonévez-Porzay of 5 rooms and more : 461 |
Type of housing of Plonévez-Porzay in 2007
Number of rooms of main homes of Plonévez-Porzay
Type of housing of Plonévez-Porzay
In 2007, 578 main homes of Plonévez-Porzay were occupied by owners. Meanwhile, 742 households lived in the town of Plonévez-Porzay. The following graphs present the statistics of these households of Plonévez-Porzay.
Moving in date of the households of Plonévez-Porzay (2007 data):
- Number of households of Plonévez-Porzay having moved for less than 2 years : 91
- Number of households of Plonévez-Porzay having moved between 2 and 5 years : 96 - Number of households of Plonévez-Porzay having moved between 5 and 9 years : 116 - Number of households of Plonévez-Porzay having moved for 10 years or more : 439 |
Type of housing of the main homes of Plonévez-Porzay in 2007 :
- Number of main homes of Plonévez-Porzay occupied by owners : 578 - Number of main homes of Plonévez-Porzay occupied by tenants : 141 - Number of main homes of Plonévez-Porzay occupied free of charge : 23 |
Household moving date of Plonévez-Porzay
Type of main homes of Plonévez-Porzay