Saint-Amans-Soult population statistics
Historical data of the population of Saint-Amans-Soult from 1968 to 2007
Historical data of the population of Saint-Amans-Soult from 1968 to 2007 :
Population of Saint-Amans-Soult was 1 679 inhabitants in 2007, 1 679 inhabitants in 1999, 1 677 inhabitants in 1990, 1 634 inhabitants in 1982, 1 717 inhabitants in 1975 and 1 732 inhabitants in 1968.
This population Census of the town of Saint-Amans-Soult was made without duplicated data, which means that each Saint-Amans-Soult resident that have ties to another municipality is counted only once for the two municipalities.
 Population Saint-Amans-Soult
Population distribution of Saint-Amans-Soult by sexe
Population distribution of Saint-Amans-Soult by sexe :
- Men inhabitants Saint-Amans-Soult in 2007 were 822 - Women inhabitants in 2007 were 856
Evolution of the population of Saint-Amans-Soult
Population of Saint-Amans-Soult from 1968 to 2007 :
This curve shows the history of the population of Saint-Amans-Soult from 1968 to 2007 in cubic interpolation. This provides more precisely the population of the municipality of Saint-Amans-Soult the years where no census has been taken.
- Population of Saint-Amans-Soult in 2007 : 1 679 inhabitants
- Population of Saint-Amans-Soult in 1999 : 1 679 inhabitants
- Population of Saint-Amans-Soult in 1990 : 1 677 inhabitants
- Population of Saint-Amans-Soult in 1982 : 1 634 inhabitants
- Population of Saint-Amans-Soult in 1975 : 1 717 inhabitants
- Population of Saint-Amans-Soult in 1968 : 1 732 inhabitants
Saint-Amans-Soult : births and deaths
Saint-Amans-Soult : births and deaths from 1999 to 2008
- Saint-Amans-Soult in 2008 : 9 births and 30 deaths
- Saint-Amans-Soult in 2007 : 14 births and 22 deaths
- Saint-Amans-Soult in 2006 : 15 births and 27 deaths
- Saint-Amans-Soult in 2005 : 15 births and 33 deaths
- Saint-Amans-Soult in 2004 : 15 births and 34 deaths
- Saint-Amans-Soult in 2003 : 16 births and 35 deaths
- Saint-Amans-Soult in 2002 : 21 births and 27 deaths
- Saint-Amans-Soult in 2001 : 21 births and 22 deaths
- Saint-Amans-Soult in 2000 : 15 births and 13 deaths
- Saint-Amans-Soult in 1999 : 17 births and 23 deaths
Saint-Amans-Soult : evolution of births and deaths from 1968 to 2007
- From 1999 and 2007 : 135 births and 214 deaths.
- From 1990 and 1999 : 156 births and 238 deaths.
- From 1982 and 1990 : 122 births and 170 deaths.
- From 1975 and 1982 : 115 births and 175 deaths.
- From 1968 and 1975 : 149 births and 159 deaths.
Distribution of the population of Saint-Amans-Soult by age
Distribution of the population of Saint-Amans-Soult by age in 2007 :
- Population of Saint-Amans-Soult from 0 to 14 years : 251 inhabitants
- Population of Saint-Amans-Soult from 15 to 29 years : 251 inhabitants
- Population of Saint-Amans-Soult from 30 to 44 years : 292 inhabitants
- Population of Saint-Amans-Soult from 45 to 59 years : 315 inhabitants
- Population of Saint-Amans-Soult from 60 to 74 years : 279 inhabitants
- Population of Saint-Amans-Soult from 75 years or more : 290 inhabitants
Distribution of the population of Saint-Amans-Soult by age in 1999 :
- Population of Saint-Amans-Soult from 0 to 14 years : 294 inhabitants
- Population of Saint-Amans-Soult from 15 to 29 years : 263 inhabitants
- Population of Saint-Amans-Soult from 30 to 44 years : 318 inhabitants
- Population of Saint-Amans-Soult from 45 to 59 years : 275 inhabitants
- Population of Saint-Amans-Soult from 60 to 74 years : 307 inhabitants
- Population of Saint-Amans-Soult from 75 years or more : 222 inhabitants
Men population of Saint-Amans-Soult in 2007
Men population distribution of Saint-Amans-Soult by age in 2007 :
- Saint-Amans-Soult men inhabitants from 0 to 14 years : 123
- Saint-Amans-Soult men inhabitants from 15 to 29 years : 155
- Saint-Amans-Soult men inhabitants from 30 to 44 years : 149
- Saint-Amans-Soult men inhabitants from 45 to 59 years : 158
- Saint-Amans-Soult men inhabitants from 60 to 74 years : 127
- Saint-Amans-Soult men inhabitants from 75 to 90 years : 99
- Saint-Amans-Soult men inhabitants of 90 years and more : 10
Men population distribution of Saint-Amans-Soult by age in 2007 :
- Saint-Amans-Soult men inhabitants from 0 to 19 years : 191
- Saint-Amans-Soult men inhabitants from 20 to 64 years : 454
- Saint-Amans-Soult men inhabitants of 65 years and more : 178
Population féminine of Saint-Amans-Soult in 2007
Women population distribution of Saint-Amans-Soult by age in 2007 :
- Saint-Amans-Soult women inhabitants from 0 to 14 years : 128
- Saint-Amans-Soult women inhabitants from 15 to 29 years : 95
- Saint-Amans-Soult women inhabitants from 30 to 44 years : 143
- Saint-Amans-Soult women inhabitants from 45 to 59 years : 157
- Saint-Amans-Soult women inhabitants from 60 to 74 years : 152
- Saint-Amans-Soult women inhabitants from 75 to 90 years : 150
- Saint-Amans-Soult women inhabitants of 90 years and more : 31
Women population distribution of Saint-Amans-Soult by age in 2007 :
- Saint-Amans-Soult women inhabitants from 0 to 19 years : 163
- Saint-Amans-Soult women inhabitants from 20 to 64 years : 421
- Saint-Amans-Soult women inhabitants of 65 years and more : 273
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