The city of Sainte-Marie is located in the department of Martinique of the french region Martinique. The city of Sainte-Marie is located in the district of La Trinité. The area code for Sainte-Marie is 97228 (also known as code INSEE), and the Sainte-Marie zip code is 97230.
Geography and map of Sainte-Marie :
The altitude of the city hall of Sainte-Marie is approximately 287 meters. The Sainte-Marie surface is 44.55 km ². The latitude and longitude of Sainte-Marie are 14.781 degrees North and 61 degrees West.
Nearby cities and towns of Sainte-Marie are :
Le Marigot (97225) at 5.35 km, La Trinité (97220) at 6.39 km, Le Lorrain (97214) at 8.21 km, Gros-Morne (97213) at 8.39 km, Saint-Joseph (97212) at 12.59 km, L'Ajoupa-Bouillon (97216) at 13.18 km, Le Robert (97231) at 13.22 km, Le Morne-Rouge (97260) at 14.81 km.
(The distances to these nearby towns of Sainte-Marie are calculated as the crow flies)
Population and housing of Sainte-Marie :
The population of Sainte-Marie was 20 087 in 1999 and 19 249 in 2007. The population density of Sainte-Marie is 432.08 inhabitants per km². The number of housing of Sainte-Marie was 8 167 in 2007. These homes of Sainte-Marie consist of 6 955 main residences, 85 second or occasional homes and 1 127 vacant homes. |
Hotel Sainte-Marie
Map of Sainte-Marie
Map of Sainte-Marie :
At right you can find the localization of Sainte-Marie on the map of France. Below, this is the satellite map of Sainte-Marie.. This map show Sainte-Marie seen by the satellite of Google Map. To see the streets of Sainte-Marie or move on another zone, use the buttons "zoom" and "map" on top of this dynamic map.
Search on the map of Sainte-Marie :
To search hotels, housings, tourist information office, administrations or other services, use the Google search integrated to the map on the following page : "map Sainte-Marie".
Hotels of Sainte-Marie are listed on the map with the following icons:
The map of Sainte-Marie is centred in the following coordinates :
Print the map of Sainte-Marie
 Print the map of Sainte-Marie : map of Sainte-Marie
Photos Sainte-Marie
See all photos of Sainte-Marie :
Other photos of Sainte-Marie and nearby towns can be found here: photos Sainte-Marie
These photos taken near the city of Sainte-Marie can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.
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 Sainte-Marie, Martinique
 Tombolo de Sainte-Marie, Martinique
 La vieille bitte de Tartane
 Normandie ?
 La Trinité - Martinique
 Personne au Rendez-Vous.
 Et des fruits délicieux
 Au marché, il y a du rhum, des épices et des fleurs
 Tissus du Bonheur des dames
 Au moment de l-échauffement
 Schwartz-s myotis (Myotis martiniquensis), Presqu Ile La Caravelle, Martinique, 2005-12-23 (3 of 5).jpg
 Schwartz-s myotis (Myotis martiniquensis), Presqu Ile La Caravelle, Martinique, 2005-12-23 (2 of 5).jpg
 Schwartz-s myotis (Myotis martiniquensis), Presqu Ile La Caravelle, Martinique, 2005-12-23 (1 of 5).jpg
 White-breasted Thrasher, Presqu de la Caravelle, Martinique, 2005_12_23 (3 of 3).jpg
 White-breasted Thrasher, Presqu de la Caravelle, Martinique, 2005_12_23 (2 of 3).jpg
 Mont Pelee from the SE
 Mont Pelee from the East
 Photo of Sainte-Marie
 Christmas on Martinique
 Sieste sous le cocotier. ;)
 800m nage libre
 Schwartz-s myotis (Myotis martiniquensis), Presqu Ile La Caravelle, Martinique, 2005-12-23 (5 of 5).jpg
 Mont Pelee from the South
Sainte-Marie weather forecast
Find next hours and 7 days weather forecast for Sainte-Marie here : weather Sainte-Marie (with english metrics)
This is the last weather forecast for Sainte-Marie collected by the nearest observation station of La Trinité.
Week Forecast:
The latest weather data for Sainte-Marie were collected Thursday, 06 March 2025 at 19:08 from the nearest observation station of La Trinité.
Thursday, March 6th | 28°C 23°C
0% 44%
| Partly cloudy
Temperature Max: 28°C Temperature Min: 23°C Precipitation Probability: 0% Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 44% Wind speed: 18 km/h West Humidity: 73%° UV Index: 10 Sunrise: 11:17 Sunset: 23:12 |
| Friday, March 7th | 28°C 23°C
0% 43%
| Partly cloudy
Temperature Max: 28°C Temperature Min: 23°C Precipitation Probability: 0% Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 43% Wind speed: 15 km/h West Humidity: 78%° UV Index: 10 Sunrise: 11:16 Sunset: 23:13 |
| Saturday, March 8th | 28°C 23°C
0% 39%
| Partly cloudy
Temperature Max: 28°C Temperature Min: 23°C Precipitation Probability: 0% Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 39% Wind speed: 15 km/h West Humidity: 78%° UV Index: 9 Sunrise: 11:16 Sunset: 23:13 |
| Sunday, March 9th | 27°C 23°C
0% 35%
| Mostly clear
Temperature Max: 27°C Temperature Min: 23°C Precipitation Probability: 0% Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 35% Wind speed: 17 km/h West Humidity: 76%° UV Index: 10 Sunrise: 11:15 Sunset: 23:13 |
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