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Serrouville photos

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Serrouville pictures

Here are the photos of the town of Serrouville and nearby towns. Serrouville is located in the department of Meurthe-et-Moselle in the region of Lorraine. You will find the satellite map of Serrouville under these photos.

To see photos of nearby towns of Serrouville, you can try the following links :
   - Photo of Errouville (54680) : town located at 2.17 km
   - Photo of Beuvillers (54560) : town located at 2.59 km
   - Photo of Audun-le-Roman (54560) : town located at 3.29 km
   - Photo of Fillières (54560) : town located at 3.32 km
   - Photo of Bréhain-la-Ville (54190) : town located at 4.37 km
   - Photo of Crusnes (54680) : town located at 4.45 km
   - Photo of Aumetz (57710) : town located at 4.78 km
   - Photo of Malavillers (54560) : town located at 4.97 km
   - Photo of Boulange (57113) : town located at 5.22 km
   - Photo of Mercy-le-Haut (54560) : town located at 5.69 km
   - Photo of Sancy (54560) : town located at 6.50 km
   - Photo of Joppécourt (54620) : town located at 6.75 km

 - photos of the department prefecture of Meurthe-et-Moselle : photos of Nancy
 - pictures of others cities of Meurthe-et-Moselle : Meurthe-et-Moselle

To see Serrouville from the sky, here is the satellite map of the town of Serrouville : Serrouville map.

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Photos of the town of Serrouville

These photos taken near the town of Serrouville can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.

Ellergronn - Photo of Serrouville

Busy way, but not the expected way - Photo of Serrouville
Busy way, but not the expected way

Art in Ellergronn - Photo of Serrouville
Art in Ellergronn

International border in the forest - Photo of Serrouville
International border in the forest

The Hanged - Photo of Serrouville
The Hanged

Velorution Esch April 2023 - Photo of Serrouville
Velorution Esch April 2023

Velorution Esch April 2023 - Photo of Serrouville
Velorution Esch April 2023

Velorution Esch April 2023 - Photo of Serrouville
Velorution Esch April 2023

Esch2022 - Nuit de la Culture #4/5: Contraste! - Museum of the Moon - Photo of Serrouville
Esch2022 - Nuit de la Culture #4/5: Contraste! - Museum of the Moon

Esch2022 - Nuit de la Culture #4/5: Contraste! - L-Heure Bleue - Photo of Serrouville
Esch2022 - Nuit de la Culture #4/5: Contraste! - L-Heure Bleue

Red-Green-Blue atmosphere - Photo of Serrouville
Red-Green-Blue atmosphere

De sëlwer-roude Rack - Photo of Serrouville
De sëlwer-roude Rack

De sëlwer-roude Rack - Photo of Serrouville
De sëlwer-roude Rack

Forest art - Photo of Serrouville
Forest art

Forest art - Photo of Serrouville
Forest art

What is this? - Photo of Serrouville
What is this?

Old railroad in Boulange - Photo of Serrouville
Old railroad in Boulange

Street of Fontoy - Photo of Serrouville
Street of Fontoy

Old train tunnel near Rédange - Photo of Serrouville
Old train tunnel near Rédange

Old railroad near Rédange - Photo of Serrouville
Old railroad near Rédange

Industrial ruin in La Harmande - Photo of Serrouville
Industrial ruin in La Harmande

Track in Ottange - Photo of Serrouville
Track in Ottange

Old railway near Boulange - Photo of Serrouville
Old railway near Boulange

Ruin near Errouville - Photo of Serrouville
Ruin near Errouville

Old railway near Errouville - Photo of Serrouville
Old railway near Errouville

Looks like this is a bike route? - Photo of Serrouville
Looks like this is a bike route?

Track near Ville-au-Montois - Photo of Serrouville
Track near Ville-au-Montois

Audun-Le-Tiche station, France - Photo of Serrouville
Audun-Le-Tiche station, France

Esch sur Alzette to Audun-Le-Tiche line - Photo of Serrouville
Esch sur Alzette to Audun-Le-Tiche line

Red Rocks - Photo of Serrouville
Red Rocks

Serrouville from the sky

Old photos of the town of Serrouville

These photos taken near the town of Serrouville can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.

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