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Valsemé photos

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Valsemé pictures

Here are the photos of the town of Valsemé and nearby towns. Valsemé is located in the department of Calvados in the region of Basse-Normandie. You will find the satellite map of Valsemé under these photos.

To see photos of nearby towns of Valsemé, you can try the following links :
   - Drubec photos : town located at 2.76 km
   - Clarbec photos : town located at 2.97 km
   - Le Fournet photos : town located at 3.17 km
   - Bonnebosq photos : town located at 3.22 km
   - Annebault photos : town located at 4.07 km
   - Auvillars photos : town located at 4.63 km
   - Formentin photos : town located at 4.81 km
   - Le Torquesne photos : town located at 4.88 km
   - Beaumont-en-Auge photos : town located at 5.27 km
   - Cresseveuille photos : town located at 5.50 km
   - Beaufour-Druval photos : town located at 5.67 km
   - La Roque-Baignard photos : town located at 5.71 km

 - photos of the department prefecture of Calvados : photos of Caen
 - pictures of others cities of Calvados : Calvados

To see Valsemé from the sky, here is the satellite map of the town of Valsemé : Valsemé map.

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Photos of the town of Valsemé

These photos taken near the town of Valsemé can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.

Normandy, France IMG_4671拷貝 - Photo of Valsemé
Normandy, France IMG_4671拷貝

France - Saint-Hymer - Ann with tea - Photo of Valsemé
France - Saint-Hymer - Ann with tea

Dinner outside the van, Mike and Ann - Photo of Valsemé
Dinner outside the van, Mike and Ann

Where-s Wally/Ou est Charlie? Mike in St Hymer - Photo of Valsemé
Where-s Wally/Ou est Charlie? Mike in St Hymer

Pierrefitte-en-Auge, France - Photo of Valsemé
Pierrefitte-en-Auge, France

2017 Normandy country IMG_2026 - Photo of Valsemé
2017 Normandy country IMG_2026

Photo of Valsemé
Photo of Valsemé

Pont-l-Évêque 14 - Photo of Valsemé
Pont-l-Évêque 14

Pont-l-Évêque 14 (l-Yvie) - Photo of Valsemé
Pont-l-Évêque 14 (l-Yvie)

Pont-l-Évêque 14 - Photo of Valsemé
Pont-l-Évêque 14

Pont-l-Évêque 14 - Photo of Valsemé
Pont-l-Évêque 14

Pont L-éveque - Photo of Valsemé
Pont L-éveque

Mairie de Clairbec - Photo of Valsemé
Mairie de Clairbec

DSC_0406 - Photo of Valsemé

Valsemé from the sky

Old photos of the town of Valsemé

These photos taken near the town of Valsemé can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.

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