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Vernix weather

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Vernix weather

Here is the Vernix weather forecast. You will find below :
- Vernix weather forecast for the next hours
- 7, 8 and 10 days weather forecast for Vernix
- the lastest Vernix weather conditions

Please note that the station providing the latest weather data is not necessarily in the center of Vernix. Differences in prediction may appear according to the location of the weather station, especially in mountains where data usualy come from plains. For better accuracy at high altitude, you should check the snow weather forecast.

You will find below some links for the 8 days weather forecast near Vernix :
 - weather forecast for towns close to Vernix :
   - Le Petit-Celland 7, 10 days weather forecast : town located at 2.30 km
   - La Gohannière 7, 10 days weather forecast : town located at 2.39 km
   - Saint-Georges-de-Livoye 7, 10 days weather forecast : town located at 2.57 km
   - Tirepied 7, 10 days weather forecast : town located at 2.94 km
   - Notre-Dame-de-Livoye 7, 10 days weather forecast : town located at 3.54 km
   - Saint-Ovin 7, 10 days weather forecast : town located at 4.39 km
   - Brécey 7, 10 days weather forecast : town located at 4.53 km
   - Le Grand-Celland 7, 10 days weather forecast : town located at 4.83 km

 - weather forecast for department prefecture of Manche : Weather of Saint-Lô
 - weather forecast for other cities of Manche : Manche
 - global weather on the map of France : weather france map

Must see: the road map of Vernix, the photos of Vernix, the map of Vernix.
I like Vernix !

7, 8 and 10 days weather forecast for Vernix

Week Forecast:

The latest weather data for Vernix were collected Friday, 28 March 2025 at 11:04 from the nearest observation station of Brécey.

Friday, March 28th

12°C     5°C



Temperature Max: 12°C    Temperature Min: 5°C
Precipitation Probability: 57% (Rain)
Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 77%
Wind speed: 17 km/h East
Humidity: 81%°        UV Index: 3
Sunrise: 06:50     Sunset: 19:29

Saturday, March 29th

12°C     3°C


Mostly clear

Temperature Max: 12°C    Temperature Min: 3°C
Precipitation Probability: 0%
Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 34%
Wind speed: 12 km/h South-East
Humidity: 65%°        UV Index: 4
Sunrise: 06:48     Sunset: 19:31

Sunday, March 30th

15°C     4°C


Mostly cloudy

Temperature Max: 15°C    Temperature Min: 4°C
Precipitation Probability: 0%
Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 76%
Wind speed: 14 km/h East
Humidity: 78%°        UV Index: 4
Sunrise: 07:46     Sunset: 20:32

Monday, March 31st

18°C     4°C


Mostly clear

Temperature Max: 18°C    Temperature Min: 4°C
Precipitation Probability: 0%
Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 17%
Wind speed: 9 km/h West
Humidity: 66%°        UV Index: 5
Sunrise: 07:44     Sunset: 20:34

Tuesday, April 1st

18°C     7°C



Temperature Max: 18°C    Temperature Min: 7°C
Precipitation Probability: 0%
Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 10%
Wind speed: 22 km/h West
Humidity: 55%°        UV Index: 5
Sunrise: 07:42     Sunset: 20:35

Wednesday, April 2nd

20°C     7°C



Temperature Max: 20°C    Temperature Min: 7°C
Precipitation Probability: 0%
Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 0%
Wind speed: 16 km/h West
Humidity: 52%°        UV Index: 5
Sunrise: 07:40     Sunset: 20:37

Thursday, April 3rd

20°C     6°C



Temperature Max: 20°C    Temperature Min: 6°C
Precipitation Probability: 0%
Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 0%
Wind speed: 8 km/h West
Humidity: 55%°        UV Index: 5
Sunrise: 07:38     Sunset: 20:38

Friday, April 4th

19°C     7°C



Temperature Max: 19°C    Temperature Min: 7°C
Precipitation Probability: 0%
Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 8%
Wind speed: 19 km/h Sout-East
Humidity: 65%°        UV Index: 4
Sunrise: 07:36     Sunset: 20:40

Saturday, April 5th

16°C     8°C


Partly cloudy

Temperature Max: 16°C    Temperature Min: 8°C
Precipitation Probability: 0%
Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 41%
Wind speed: 17 km/h West
Humidity: 64%°        UV Index: 4
Sunrise: 07:34     Sunset: 20:41

Sunday, April 6th

17°C     7°C


Mostly clear

Temperature Max: 17°C    Temperature Min: 7°C
Precipitation Probability: 0%
Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 20%
Wind speed: 17 km/h West
Humidity: 64%°        UV Index: 5
Sunrise: 07:32     Sunset: 20:43

Latest Vernix weather conditions

The latest weather data for Vernix were collected Friday, 28 March 2025 at 11:04 from the nearest observation station of Brécey.

Latest weather conditions collected Fri, 28 March at 11:04


1015.93 hPa
0 mm/h


Temperature: 11°C
Pressure: 1015.93 mbars
Precipitation Intensity: 0 mm/h
Percentage of sky occluded by clouds: 100%
Wind speed: 15 km/h East
Wind Gust Speed: 27.48 km/h
Visibility: 10599 km    Humidity: 86%
Dew Point: 8°        UV Index: 2

Vernix next hours weather forecast

This is the next hours weather forecast for Vernix.

Fri, 28 Mar - 4pm

Vernix weather:
Partly cloudy
0%      55%
Wind Speed: 24 kmh
Wind Gust: 42 kmh

Fri, 28 Mar - 5pm

Vernix weather:
0%      28%
Wind Speed: 25 kmh
Wind Gust: 43 kmh

Fri, 28 Mar - 6pm

Vernix weather:
Mostly clear
0%      26%
Wind Speed: 24 kmh
Wind Gust: 43 kmh

Fri, 28 Mar - 7pm

Vernix weather:
Mostly clear
0%      13%
Wind Speed: 21 kmh
Wind Gust: 40 kmh

Fri, 28 Mar - 8pm

Vernix weather:
Partly cloudy
0%      59%
Wind Speed: 19 kmh
Wind Gust: 36 kmh

Fri, 28 Mar - 9pm

Vernix weather:
Mostly clear
0%      30%
Wind Speed: 17 kmh
Wind Gust: 33 kmh

Fri, 28 Mar - 10pm

Vernix weather:
Mostly clear
0%      34%
Wind Speed: 20 kmh
Wind Gust: 37 kmh

Fri, 28 Mar - 11pm

Vernix weather:
Mostly clear
3% Rain     20%
Wind Speed: 16 kmh
Wind Gust: 38 kmh

Sat, 29 Mar - 12am

Vernix weather:
0%      11%
Wind Speed: 14 kmh
Wind Gust: 33 kmh

Sat, 29 Mar - 1am

Vernix weather:
0%      10%
Wind Speed: 12 kmh
Wind Gust: 26 kmh

Sat, 29 Mar - 2am

Vernix weather:
Mostly clear
0%      13%
Wind Speed: 11 kmh
Wind Gust: 23 kmh

Sat, 29 Mar - 3am

Vernix weather:
Mostly clear
0%      14%
Wind Speed: 11 kmh
Wind Gust: 23 kmh

Sat, 29 Mar - 4am

Vernix weather:
Mostly clear
0%      13%
Wind Speed: 11 kmh
Wind Gust: 23 kmh

Sat, 29 Mar - 5am

Vernix weather:
0%      3%
Wind Speed: 7 kmh
Wind Gust: 21 kmh

Sat, 29 Mar - 6am

Vernix weather:
0%      4%
Wind Speed: 5 kmh
Wind Gust: 13 kmh

Sat, 29 Mar - 7am

Vernix weather:
0%      9%
Wind Speed: 5 kmh
Wind Gust: 10 kmh

Sat, 29 Mar - 8am

Vernix weather:
Mostly clear
0%      16%
Wind Speed: 6 kmh
Wind Gust: 12 kmh

Sat, 29 Mar - 9am

Vernix weather:
Mostly clear
0%      18%
Wind Speed: 7 kmh
Wind Gust: 16 kmh

Sat, 29 Mar - 10am

Vernix weather:
Mostly clear
0%      17%
Wind Speed: 12 kmh
Wind Gust: 23 kmh

Sat, 29 Mar - 11am

Vernix weather:
Partly cloudy
0%      38%
Wind Speed: 13 kmh
Wind Gust: 24 kmh

Sat, 29 Mar - 12pm

Vernix weather:
Mostly clear
0%      36%
Wind Speed: 14 kmh
Wind Gust: 25 kmh

Sat, 29 Mar - 1pm

Vernix weather:
Partly cloudy
0%      42%
Wind Speed: 14 kmh
Wind Gust: 27 kmh

Sat, 29 Mar - 2pm

Vernix weather:
Partly cloudy
0%      38%
Wind Speed: 15 kmh
Wind Gust: 28 kmh

Sat, 29 Mar - 3pm

Vernix weather:
Mostly cloudy
0%      64%
Wind Speed: 16 kmh
Wind Gust: 29 kmh


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