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Zoza photos

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Zoza pictures

Here are the photos of the town of Zoza and nearby towns. Zoza is located in the department of Corse-du-Sud in the region of Corse. You will find the satellite map of Zoza under these photos.

To see photos of nearby towns of Zoza, you can try the following links :
   - Altagène photos : town located at 1.17 km
   - Cargiaca photos : town located at 2.42 km
   - Sainte-Lucie-de-Tallano photos : town located at 2.62 km
   - Loreto-di-Tallano photos : town located at 2.62 km
   - Olmiccia photos : town located at 2.76 km
   - Mela photos : town located at 2.87 km
   - Zérubia photos : town located at 3.88 km
   - Levie photos : town located at 4.59 km
   - Serra-di-Scopamène photos : town located at 4.79 km
   - Sorbollano photos : town located at 5.23 km
   - Santa-Maria-Figaniella photos : town located at 5.38 km
   - Fozzano photos : town located at 6.04 km

 - photos of the department prefecture of Corse-du-Sud : photos of Ajaccio
 - pictures of others cities of Corse-du-Sud : Corse-du-Sud

To see Zoza from the sky, here is the satellite map of the town of Zoza : Zoza map.

I like Zoza !

Photos of the town of Zoza

These photos taken near the town of Zoza can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.

20100519_10h55Em00_Zonza - Photo of Zoza

20100519_10h07Em41_Faune corse - Photo of Zoza
20100519_10h07Em41_Faune corse

20100519_10h14Em49_Aullène - Photo of Zoza

20100519_10h21Em62_Zérubia - Photo of Zoza

20100519_10h22Em64_Zérubia - Photo of Zoza

20100519_10h48Em86_Zonza - Photo of Zoza

Sainte-Lucie-de-Tallano - Photo of Zoza

Reste d-habitat préhistorique - Photo of Zoza
Reste d-habitat préhistorique

Carbunara(2) - Photo of Zoza

Carbunara - Photo of Zoza

Abri sous roche - Photo of Zoza
Abri sous roche

Dans la forêt(2) - Photo of Zoza
Dans la forêt(2)

Le seigneur Rinucciu Della Rocca (1450/1511) - Photo of Zoza
Le seigneur Rinucciu Della Rocca (1450/1511)

Descente (2) - Photo of Zoza
Descente (2)

A Sarra di Scopamè¨ (Serra de Scopamène) - Photo of Zoza
A Sarra di Scopamè¨ (Serra de Scopamène)

Les restes du château, les tables et Bavella - Photo of Zoza
Les restes du château, les tables et Bavella

Bavella (1) - Photo of Zoza
Bavella (1)

Restes du château - Photo of Zoza
Restes du château

Table d-orientation-vue Sud - Photo of Zoza
Table d-orientation-vue Sud

Au pied de l-éminence rocheuse - Photo of Zoza
Au pied de l-éminence rocheuse

Vue vers Bavella & l-Incudine - Photo of Zoza
Vue vers Bavella & l-Incudine

20100519_11h05Em17_Zonza - Photo of Zoza

Abri sous roche(2) - Photo of Zoza
Abri sous roche(2)

Dans la forêt - Photo of Zoza
Dans la forêt

Bavella(3) - Photo of Zoza

Bavella(2) - Photo of Zoza

Table d-orientation-vue Nord - Photo of Zoza
Table d-orientation-vue Nord

A Sarra di Scopamè (Serra de Scopamène) - Photo of Zoza
A Sarra di Scopamè (Serra de Scopamène)

Au sommet avec Quenza au 1er plan - Photo of Zoza
Au sommet avec Quenza au 1er plan

Le seigneur Rinucciu Della Rocca (1450/1511) - Photo of Zoza
Le seigneur Rinucciu Della Rocca (1450/1511)

Zoza from the sky

Old photos of the town of Zoza

These photos taken near the town of Zoza can be shown in full screen clicking on the thumbnails. Photos are copyrighted by their owners.

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