Department of Rhône - 69
Department of Rhône
The department is the second level of administrative divisions on the map of France.
The department of Rhône is located in the region of region of Rhône-Alpes.
The department of Rhône has the number 69 and is divided into 2 districts , 54 townships and 293 municipalities. Below you will find the localization of Rhône on the map of France, and the satellite map of Rhône.
Inhabitants of Rhône were 1 578 869 in the 1999 census and 1 669 655 in the 2006 census. Area of departement of Rhône is 3 249,12 km ². Population density of Rhône is 513,88 inhabitants per km².
Biggest cities of department of Rhône, in number of inhabitants, are (2007 census):
Lyon, Villeurbanne, Lyon 3e Arrondissement, Lyon 8e Arrondissement, Lyon 7e Arrondissement, Vénissieux, Lyon 6e Arrondissement, Lyon 9e Arrondissement, Lyon 5e Arrondissement, Caluire-et-Cuire, Saint-Priest, Vaulx-en-Velin, Bron, Lyon 4e Arrondissement, Villefranche-sur-Saône, Lyon 2e Arrondissement, Rillieux-la-Pape, Meyzieu.
You will find the towns list of Rhône in the bottom on this page. You can consult the map of France, pictures, hotels, and all data of every town and village in the department of Rhône clicking on these towns links.
I like the department of Rhône !
Statistics of department of Rhône |
Population 1999 |
1 578 869 inhabitants |
Population 2006 |
1 669 655 inhabitants |
Area |
3 249.12 km ² |
Population density |
513.88 inhabs/km²
Variation of density |
+0.80 %/year |
Administration of department of Rhône |
Number |
69 |
Prefecture |
Lyon |
Subprefectures |
Villefranche-sur-Saône |
Region |
Rhône-Alpes (82) |
Subdivisions of the department of Rhône |
Districts |
2 |
Townships |
54 |
Municipalities |
293 |
Hotel Rhône
Book now ! Best Price Guaranteed, no booking fees, pay at the hotel with our partner Booking.com, leader in online hotel reservation.
Hotel Lyon Confort
In the 2nd arr. District of Lyon, close to Musée Miniature et Cinéma, Confort has free WiFi and a washing machine. The property, housed in a building dating from 19th century, is a 12-m...
Rate : from 0.00 € to 0.00 €
Address : 10 Rue Confort 69002 Lyon
Hotel Lyon Hotel Elysée

Hotel Elysée is located in the heart of Lyon city centre, just a few steps from the Place Bellecour. It offers soundproofed accommodation with free WiFi internet access.
This 19th centu...
Price : from 56.00 € to 99.00 €
Contact : 92 rue Président Edouard Herriot 69002 Lyon
Hotel Villefranche-sur-Saône Kyriad Villefranche Sur Saone
This hotel is located in the centre of Villefranche Sur Saone, in the heart of the Beaujolais region. It offers flat-screen TVs and free Wi-Fi internet access.
Each guest room at the Kyr...
Rate : from 55.25 € to 75.00 €
Contact : 146 Rue De La Sous Prefecture 69400 Villefranche-sur-Saône
Map of Rhône
Where is located the Rhône department ?
The department of Rhône is located in the region of Rhône-Alpes. Rhône is in red on the map of french departments.
What are the statistics and key data of Rhône ?
The department of Rhône has the number 69. It is composed of 2 districts ("arrondissements") , 54 townships ("cantons") and 293 towns ("communes").
The 2 districts of the department of Rhône are :
Lyon, Villefranche-sur-Saône.
The inhabitants of of Rhône were 1 578 869 in 1999 and 1 669 655 in 2006.
The area of the department of Rhône is 3 249,12 km ². Population density of the department of Rhône is 513,88 inhabitants per km².
What are the largest cities of the department of Rhône ?
The largest cities of the department of Rhône (compared to the number of inhabitants in 2007) are :
Lyon, Villeurbanne, Lyon 3e Arrondissement, Lyon 8e Arrondissement, Lyon 7e Arrondissement, Vénissieux, Lyon 6e Arrondissement, Lyon 9e Arrondissement, Lyon 5e Arrondissement, Caluire-et-Cuire, Saint-Priest, Vaulx-en-Velin, Bron, Lyon 4e Arrondissement, Villefranche-sur-Saône, Lyon 2e Arrondissement, Rillieux-la-Pape, Meyzieu.
Interactive map of the Rhône department
You can zoom the satellite map of Rhône to see a village or a city, for example Lyon.
Search a town of departement of Rhône
Records of the Rhône department: Did you know ?
The town with the longest name of the department of Rhône is: Salles-Arbuissonnas-en-Beaujolais The town with the shortest name of the department of Rhône is: Alix The municipality with the highest altitude of the department of Rhône is: Saint-André-la-Côte with 850 m The municipality with the lowest altitude of the department of Rhône is: Condrieu with 147 m The municipality with the largest area of the department of Rhône is: Lyon with 47.87 km ² The municipality with the smallest area of the department of Rhône is: Riverie with 0.42 km ² |
Towns list of the Rhône department
Follow the links of towns and cities of the Rhône department and see photos, maps, and informations for these towns.
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