Region Franche-Comté
The region is the first level of administrative divisions on the France map.
The region of Franche-Comté has the number 43 and is divided into 4 departments, 9 districts, 116 townships and 1785 municipalities. Below you will find the localization of Franche-Comté on the map of France, and the satellite map of Franche-Comté.
Population of Franche-Comté |
Inhabitants of Franche-Comté were 1 117 059 in the 1999 census and 1 150 624 in the 2006 census. Area of region of Franche-Comté is 16 202,34 km ². Population density of Franche-Comté is 71,02 inhabitants per km².
Biggest cities of region of Franche-Comté, in number of inhabitants, are (2007 census):
Besançon (25), Belfort (90), Montbéliard (25), Dole (39), Pontarlier (25), Lons-le-Saunier (39), Vesoul (70), Audincourt (25), Saint-Claude (39), Valentigney (25), Héricourt (70), Lure (70), Champagnole (39), Luxeuil-les-Bains (70), Morteau (25), Gray (70), Bethoncourt (25), Delle (90), Seloncourt (25), Morez (39), Baume-les-Dames (25), Valdoie (90), Mandeure (25).
You will find the towns list of Franche-Comté in the bottom on this page. You can consult the map of France, pictures, hotels, and all data of every town and village in the region of Franche-Comté clicking on these towns links.
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